1 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:30,000 片名:超能玩很大 Absolutely Anything (2015) 來源:原創翻譯版本中文字幕 2 00:00:11,160 --> 00:00:13,116 倒計時30秒 Thirty seconds and counting. 3 00:00:13,240 --> 00:00:14,992 動力轉換完成 Power transfer is complete. 4 00:00:15,400 --> 00:00:18,551 現在啟動運載火箭內部動力 We're on internal power with the launch vehicle at this time. 5 00:00:18,640 --> 00:00:20,756 倒計時20秒 T minus 20 seconds and counting. 6 00:00:20,840 --> 00:00:23,035 二級運載火箭已增壓 All the second-stage tanks now pressurised. 7 00:00:23,120 --> 00:00:25,839 倒計時15秒 火箭內部制導啟動 T minus 1 5 seconds. Guidance is internal. 8 00:00:26,480 --> 00:00:29,677 12 11 10 9 Twelve, eleven, ten, 9... 9 00:00:30,240 --> 00:00:31,992 點火順序啟動 Ignition sequence starts. 10 00:00:32,680 --> 00:00:37,515 6 5 4 3 2 1 Six, five, four, three, two, one, 11 00:00:38,520 --> 00:00:40,351 倒計時結束 所有運載火箭發動機已啟動 zero. All engines running. 12 00:00:41,120 --> 00:00:43,270 火箭已升空 Lift off! We have a lift off. 13 00:00:43,600 --> 00:00:45,556 在1972年 And so in 1972, 14 00:00:46,040 --> 00:00:49,510 宇宙神半人馬座運載火箭發射升空 the Atlas Centaur rocket blasted off from our planet, 15 00:00:50,200 --> 00:00:53,112 用四級運載火箭發射了一枚探測器 a four-stage rocket that launched a probe 16 00:00:53,200 --> 00:00:55,236 進入到宇宙深處 way out into the blackness of space. 17 00:00:55,720 --> 00:00:57,995 探測器將使用太陽能作為能源 The probe would use the energy from the sun 18 00:00:58,080 --> 00:01:01,197 並且利用臨近行星的引力 and the gravitational pull of our neighbouring planets 19 00:01:01,280 --> 00:01:02,759 衝出太陽系 to cross our solar system. 20 00:01:02,960 --> 00:01:05,235 這個動量會持續到 That momentum would then carry it on 21 00:01:05,320 --> 00:01:07,675 探測器所能探索宇宙的最遠處 into the farthest reaches of the universe. 22 00:01:08,760 --> 00:01:12,389 探測器的任務就是在宇宙深空中 The mission, to find intelligent life similar to ours 23 00:01:13,160 --> 00:01:15,116 尋找和人類相似的外星智能生物 out there in deep space. 24 00:01:16,120 --> 00:01:19,032 探測器攜帶一塊鐫刻的金屬牌 The probe carried a tablet which had inscribed on it 25 00:01:19,120 --> 00:01:21,634 上面刻有一個男人和一個女人的圖像 the image of us humans, a man and a woman, 26 00:01:21,720 --> 00:01:23,392 以及一張地球在宇宙方位的地圖 and a map to locate us in the universe. 27 00:01:24,440 --> 00:01:28,831 第四級運載火箭斷開 探測器將繼續它的漫長旅程 Stage four disconnects and our probe is fired on its long journey. 28 00:01:29,400 --> 00:01:31,550 整個世界希望它一路順風 The world wished it bon voyage 29 00:01:32,080 --> 00:01:34,753 並且盡可能的在宇宙深處 and may it find a friend out there 30 00:01:34,840 --> 00:01:36,512 找到外星朋友 in deep space. 32 00:03:18,360 --> 00:03:19,793 非常感謝 Hey!. Thank you very much. Thank you. 33 00:03:20,240 --> 00:03:21,468 很高興見到你 Thank you, nice to see you. 34 00:03:30,200 --> 00:03:32,156 歡迎各位 Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. 35 00:03:32,240 --> 00:03:34,754 當我在圖書訪談節目上採訪尼爾 克拉克時 When i interviewed Neil Clarke for The Book Programme, 36 00:03:34,840 --> 00:03:36,398 我就知道他非常特別 i knew he was extraordinary. 37 00:03:37,560 --> 00:03:40,279 現在 隨著他這本精彩小說的發行 Now, with the publication of his brilliant novel, 38 00:03:40,360 --> 00:03:42,237 書評人協會同意將他列入 reviewers agree he's joined the ranks 39 00:03:42,320 --> 00:03:43,992 大英作家名人堂 of Britain's immortals. 40 00:03:44,080 --> 00:03:45,559 女士們先生們 有請尼爾 克拉克 Ladies and gentlemen, Neil Clarke. 41 00:03:53,080 --> 00:03:55,799 首先我想先問一下 Um, so i suppose i wanted to start off by asking you 42 00:03:55,920 --> 00:03:59,799 你是怎樣如此透徹的洞察現代人的內心世界 how did you manage such amazing insight into the soul of modern man 43 00:03:59,880 --> 00:04:02,519 而且你是怎麼知道男人和女人內心的渴望 and how do you know what men and women really want, 44 00:04:03,520 --> 00:04:07,035 以及人類宇宙之間的關係的 just really the whole relationship between humanity and the cosmos? 45 00:04:07,360 --> 00:04:10,238 凱瑟琳 我認為我成功的原因就是 Yeah, well, i think i probably achieved that 46 00:04:10,400 --> 00:04:12,994 首先觀察自己的內心世界 by looking into my own soul, Catherine. 47 00:04:13,840 --> 00:04:15,796 我研究它的缺陷 Um, i studied its flaws, 48 00:04:15,880 --> 00:04:18,394 它的潛能 它的渴求 its potential, its urgent needs. 49 00:04:18,600 --> 00:04:19,794 我聽到它在哭求幫助 i listened to its cries for help... 50 00:04:21,840 --> 00:04:26,197 而且痛苦的尖叫 ...and its yelps of anguish and, um, i... 51 00:04:27,440 --> 00:04:29,237 我在書中 i spent five long years 52 00:04:29,320 --> 00:04:33,996 花費5年時間希望打開人們對內心世界的感知 in a book which i hoped would throw open the doors of human perception 53 00:04:34,080 --> 00:04:37,914 避免讓自己陷入一片茫然 and allow us to be engulfed in a sense of our own futility. 54 00:04:38,360 --> 00:04:40,112 非常抱歉 Sorry about this, it's... 55 00:04:43,520 --> 00:04:45,511 快閃開 Get off!. Down! 56 00:04:48,080 --> 00:04:49,399 啊 -Ah! 57 00:04:53,320 --> 00:04:54,878 天啊 Oh, God. 58 00:04:58,000 --> 00:04:59,194 去看電視 Go watch TV. 59 00:05:00,640 --> 00:05:02,119 你的狗在亂叫 Your dog is barking. 60 00:05:02,320 --> 00:05:04,436 因為你按門鈴它才亂叫的 My dog was barking because you rang the doorbell. 61 00:05:05,000 --> 00:05:08,276 因為你的狗亂叫我才按的門鈴 i rang the doorbell because your dog was barking. 62 00:05:08,920 --> 00:05:10,592 你的房屋租約上註明不能養寵物的 Your lease says no pets. 63 00:05:10,680 --> 00:05:12,875 好吧 它是條導盲犬 Well, he is a guide dog. 64 00:05:14,280 --> 00:05:15,395 你不是盲人 You're not blind. 65 00:05:15,480 --> 00:05:18,040 我更喜歡聽別人說我是視覺障礙者 i prefer the term "optically challenged". 66 00:05:19,200 --> 00:05:22,033 你也不是視覺障礙者 You're not optically challenged, either. 67 00:05:22,120 --> 00:05:24,236 菲奧娜 你住在我3層之上 我覺得... Fiona, you live, like, three floors up. i mean, i don't... 68 00:05:24,320 --> 00:05:27,835 如果你不管好這條爛狗 if you don't control your bloody dog, 69 00:05:27,920 --> 00:05:31,276 那我就把它送到寵物之家 i am going to get it sent to Battersea Dogs Home. Right? 70 00:05:32,080 --> 00:05:33,354 -明白了嗎 -好吧 -Hmm? -All right. 71 00:05:35,760 --> 00:05:37,557 來吧 丹尼斯 我們出去給你潤腸通便吧 Come on, Dennis, let's go and evacuate your bowels. 72 00:05:40,080 --> 00:05:41,229 來吧 丹尼斯 Come on, Dennis. 73 00:05:46,800 --> 00:05:48,756 來吧 Come on. 74 00:05:48,840 --> 00:05:50,193 -嗨 尼爾 -嗨 凱瑟琳 -Hi, Neil. -Hi, Catherine. 75 00:05:51,680 --> 00:05:53,636 真有趣 我剛剛還夢到你 Hey, it's funny, i was just dreaming about you. 76 00:05:55,240 --> 00:05:56,355 真的嗎 Really? 77 00:05:56,440 --> 00:05:58,635 我夢到你在給我的小說頒獎致辭 Yeah, you were presenting me with an award for my novel. 78 00:05:59,080 --> 00:06:00,195 那你配得上獎盃嗎 Oh, did you deserve it? 79 00:06:00,720 --> 00:06:02,597 我雖然很驕傲 但是同樣很謙卑 Well, i was proud but humble. 80 00:06:03,400 --> 00:06:05,311 那你在現實當中完成這部小說了嗎 Have you finished it, actually, in real life? 81 00:06:06,040 --> 00:06:08,076 當然 馬上就完成了 Absolutely, almost, yeah. 82 00:06:08,160 --> 00:06:10,469 因為你去年春天還在寫其中幾個章節 Cos last spring you were on chapter... 83 00:06:10,560 --> 00:06:12,869 我在編輯修改 實際上 我已經刪除那些章節了 Yeah, i've renumbered them. in fact, i've removed them. 84 00:06:12,960 --> 00:06:14,029 -是嗎 -是的 -Oh. -Yeah. 85 00:06:14,120 --> 00:06:16,634 我發現所有的章節都平淡無奇 所以刪除了 i find the whole concept of chapters just gets in the way so... 86 00:06:17,400 --> 00:06:19,630 嗯 看出來了 Yeah. Yeah, no, i can see that. 87 00:06:20,520 --> 00:06:23,637 我想讓讀者閱讀的時候 像被吸入到一個巨大漩渦中一樣沉浸其中 i want reading it to be like being sucked into a giant vortex, you know. 88 00:06:24,520 --> 00:06:27,432 -就像瀏覽臉譜網 -好的 瀏覽臉譜網 -Like going on Facebook. -Like Facebook, yeah. 89 00:06:28,360 --> 00:06:30,794 說的真好 That's a good one. 90 00:06:32,480 --> 00:06:34,789 像被吸入到一個巨大漩渦中一樣 "Like being sucked into a giant vortex." 91 00:06:34,880 --> 00:06:38,509 丹尼斯 你怎麼能讓我說這種尷尬的話呢 Dennis, why do you let me say things like this, hey? 92 00:06:39,680 --> 00:06:40,795 來吧 Come on. 93 00:07:44,640 --> 00:07:47,393 嗯 Hmm. Mmm? 94 00:07:47,960 --> 00:07:49,598 啊 Ah. 95 00:07:50,040 --> 00:07:54,439 上面寫著他們為和平而來 人畜無害 they say they come in peace and mean no harm to anyone 96 00:08:18,880 --> 00:08:20,871 -雷 一共就花20英鎊 -我不下注 -Come on, Ray. it's only 20 quid. -No, i can't, Neil. 97 00:08:20,960 --> 00:08:22,154 -不會有損失的 -不 -Yeah, but it can't lose. -No. 98 00:08:22,680 --> 00:08:24,955 今天你上完課之前 Look, i guarantee you a 50% return on your money 99 00:08:25,080 --> 00:08:26,399 我保證不會損失超過一半 before the end of classes today. 100 00:08:29,200 --> 00:08:32,078 你什麼時候才能拿到布克文學獎 So when do you make your move on Miss Booker Prize downstairs, then? 101 00:08:32,160 --> 00:08:36,358 我才不稀罕 這個獎沒含金量也沒遠見 Oh, i don't. Turns out she's a bit literal-minded, no foresight. 102 00:08:36,440 --> 00:08:38,954 而我卻可以看到未來的幾英里遠 Whereas me, i can see for miles into the future. 103 00:08:39,760 --> 00:08:41,512 尼爾 男人需要女人 A man needs a woman, Neil. 104 00:08:41,600 --> 00:08:44,273 -我有丹尼斯 -丹尼斯是雄性 -i've got Dennis. -Dennis is male. 105 00:08:44,320 --> 00:08:46,038 如果你仔細觀察 它還是條狗 And he's a dog, in case you hadn't noticed. 106 00:08:48,920 --> 00:08:51,229 我不想讓我的生活複雜化 Yeah, well, i don't want to complicate my life. 107 00:08:51,280 --> 00:08:52,554 這才10英鎊 This is a tenner!. 108 00:08:54,720 --> 00:08:55,835 快步走吧 Walk! 109 00:09:02,760 --> 00:09:07,000 他們為什麼老是展現裸體形象 why do they always show themselves without any clothes on? 110 00:09:08,000 --> 00:09:13,000 不過 我們仍然需要評估這顆星球 叫什麼來著 nevertheless we must assess this planet,what do they call it... 111 00:09:14,000 --> 00:09:15,000 地球 earth 112 00:09:15,960 --> 00:09:19,714 正在訪問地球人最具代表性的圖像 Accessing representative images of earthlings. 113 00:09:23,840 --> 00:09:25,751 智力低下毫無尊嚴 that's not very wise or dignified 114 00:09:27,000 --> 00:09:29,000 我們這是讓他們脫離水深火熱 it would be a kindness to put them out of their misery 115 00:09:29,500 --> 00:09:33,000 我們必須遵循適當的法律程序 we must follow the due legal process 116 00:09:33,000 --> 00:09:37,100 銀河系高等物種理事會法庭現在開庭 the court of the intergalactic council of superior beings is now in session 117 00:09:38,160 --> 00:09:42,119 我們將要用被審理物種的語言進行交流 Communication will be carried on in the language of the species to be judged. 118 00:09:44,360 --> 00:09:45,839 抱歉 我聽不明白 i'm sorry, i'm not understanding. 119 00:09:47,760 --> 00:09:48,829 啊 Ah. 120 00:09:48,920 --> 00:09:51,832 -好點了嗎 凱莉 -好多了 莎倫 -is that better, Kylie? -Understanding you now, Sharon. 121 00:09:52,000 --> 00:09:56,516 通過銀河系高等物種理事會賦予我的權利 By the power invested in me by the intergalactic Council of Superior Species, 122 00:09:56,600 --> 00:10:00,593 在此 我下達對地球毀滅的命令 i hereby pronounce a destruction order on the planet Earth. 123 00:10:00,680 --> 00:10:04,878 在給這些地球人證明自己的機會之前 With great respect, Sharon, we should not pronounce a destruction order 124 00:10:05,200 --> 00:10:08,510 崇敬的莎倫 我們不應該下達毀滅令 before we've given these earthlings a chance to prove themselves. 125 00:10:08,760 --> 00:10:11,479 他們秘密滲透到銀河系當中 They've penetrated intergalactic space. 126 00:10:11,560 --> 00:10:12,629 莫林說的對 Maureen is right. 127 00:10:13,080 --> 00:10:15,992 他們明顯不是高等物種 They're clearly not a superior species. 128 00:10:16,440 --> 00:10:19,318 看看他們交配的蠢樣子 Look at the way they copulate. 129 00:10:19,960 --> 00:10:22,269 如果這些地球人 if these earthlings 130 00:10:22,360 --> 00:10:26,399 可以證明他們是高等物種 也許可以讓他們加入我們銀河系社會 can convince us that they are superior beings, then they may join our society. 131 00:10:26,520 --> 00:10:28,397 如果他們不能 我們必須為了整個銀河系社會福利安康 if they cannot, we must eliminate them, 132 00:10:28,520 --> 00:10:32,069 我們就必須消滅他們 for the moral well-being of the entire intergalactic Community. 133 00:10:32,160 --> 00:10:34,071 莎倫 謝謝你解釋的這麼細緻 Thank you for explaining it to me, Sharon. 134 00:10:34,160 --> 00:10:35,309 沒什麼 巴克女士 Not at all, Miss Barker. 135 00:10:39,200 --> 00:10:40,792 格蘭特 我不想和你說話 No, Grant, i don't want to talk to you. 136 00:10:40,880 --> 00:10:42,711 也不想見到你 No, i don't want to see you, either. 137 00:10:42,800 --> 00:10:45,109 去年我們度過了美妙的一夏天 但是結束了 We had a great time last summer but it's over. 138 00:10:45,360 --> 00:10:47,920 你不明白結束的意思嗎 What part of over do you not understand? 139 00:10:48,040 --> 00:10:49,678 感謝你的來電 再見 Thank you for calling. Goodbye. 140 00:10:51,360 --> 00:10:53,954 你的這些破事讓我覺得 These questions of yours make it sound as if i thought 141 00:10:54,120 --> 00:10:56,395 這個該死的作家還能繼續說兩句話 this bloody author can string two words together. 142 00:10:56,480 --> 00:10:59,074 他可以 他寫的是一部精彩的作品 But he can. it's a wonderful book. 143 00:10:59,160 --> 00:11:02,118 親愛的 你沒看備忘錄嗎 我們是個毀滅別人的行業 Darling, didn't you read the memo? We're doing a demolition job. 144 00:11:03,200 --> 00:11:05,839 但是每個人都說這是他寫過的最好的作品 But it's the best thing he's ever written. Everyone says so. 145 00:11:05,920 --> 00:11:08,309 這就是為什麼我們站在至高點吐槽他們 That's why we have to pee on it from a great height. 146 00:11:09,240 --> 00:11:13,438 請在中午之前寫下10個新問題 i want ten new questions, please, before noon. 147 00:11:18,960 --> 00:11:22,270 她從不看書 她恨圖書 Don't you know? She never reads the books. She hates books. 148 00:11:22,640 --> 00:11:25,359 那為什麼她還要做一個圖書訪談節目 Why is she presenting a book programme, then? 149 00:11:25,440 --> 00:11:26,953 有麻煩了 i spy trouble. Just... 150 00:11:29,760 --> 00:11:33,150 凱瑟琳 你可以鄙視她的自負 Look, Catherine, you may despise her ego, 151 00:11:33,240 --> 00:11:35,708 這也是觀眾為什麼喜歡她節目的原因 but that's what people tune in to see. 152 00:11:35,840 --> 00:11:38,832 不是圖書 不是作者 上帝保佑 Not books, not authors, God forbid, 153 00:11:39,880 --> 00:11:42,917 費奈拉的猖狂 激情澎湃 激起慾望的自負 but Fenella's rampant, pulsating, sexually arousing ego. 154 00:11:43,160 --> 00:11:46,436 不 我認為觀眾是因為這是圖書節目 而且他們愛看書 No, i think people watch because it's a book programme and they love books. 155 00:11:47,600 --> 00:11:49,158 圖書行業已經終結了 Books are finished. 156 00:11:49,240 --> 00:11:52,710 我們的工作是用文學作為掩飾 Our job is to provide scandal, gossip and character assassination, 157 00:11:52,800 --> 00:11:55,314 來提供醜聞 緋聞和人身攻擊 with a thin veneer of literary respectability. 158 00:11:55,440 --> 00:11:57,396 那麼我們不光沒底線 還沒節操 Oh, so we're not just selling out, then? We've sold out? 159 00:11:57,480 --> 00:11:58,515 正確 Exactly. 160 00:12:00,880 --> 00:12:02,472 拜託 笑笑 For God's sake, smile. 161 00:12:26,280 --> 00:12:28,077 貴到讓你痛苦欲絕了吧 it's enough to make you weep, isn't it? 162 00:12:29,440 --> 00:12:30,475 什麼 What? 163 00:12:31,920 --> 00:12:34,639 這罐酸黃瓜啊 那你更不能看醃鯡魚的價格了 The price of pickles. Don't even look at the marinated herring. 164 00:12:34,720 --> 00:12:36,233 貴的都想讓你自殺了 Honestly, you'd be suicidal. 165 00:12:38,440 --> 00:12:39,555 反正我都不想買 i didn't want them, anyway. 166 00:12:45,960 --> 00:12:47,029 謝謝 Thanks. 167 00:12:47,320 --> 00:12:51,108 我還提供蘸醬 果脯 意大利面醬的指導意見 Um, i also offer support and counselling on dips, dried fruit and pasta sauces. 168 00:12:54,680 --> 00:12:56,318 她走了 She's gone. 169 00:13:01,880 --> 00:13:04,440 -莎倫 開啟常規測試吧 -凱莉 開啟常規測試 -The usual test, Sharon? -The usual test, Kylie. 170 00:13:04,960 --> 00:13:07,474 隨機選中一名地球人 One earthling will be chosen randomly, 171 00:13:07,760 --> 00:13:11,070 根據銀河系手冊來判定他的善惡 as defined by the intergalactic Manual of Good and Evil. 172 00:13:11,400 --> 00:13:12,992 第56頁 B段 Page 56, paragraph B. 173 00:13:13,440 --> 00:13:16,557 第56頁 D段 Uh, page 56, paragraph D. 174 00:13:17,360 --> 00:13:18,998 好的 Uh, right. 175 00:13:19,480 --> 00:13:24,235 為了證明他們明白善與惡 To prove that they understand the difference between good and evil. 176 00:13:24,600 --> 00:13:26,318 他們怎麼證明 How will they prove it? 177 00:13:26,400 --> 00:13:29,517 他們將會得到高等物種所具備的能力 They will be given the power that all superior beings have. 178 00:13:30,600 --> 00:13:33,558 這個地球人可以為所欲為 The earthling will be capable of doing absolutely anything. 179 00:13:34,120 --> 00:13:36,429 如果他用能力做壞事呢 What if he uses his power for evil? 180 00:13:37,040 --> 00:13:39,679 地球將會被毀滅 The Earth will be eliminated. 181 00:13:39,760 --> 00:13:41,318 如果他是做好事呢 But if he uses it for good? 182 00:13:41,400 --> 00:13:44,233 那我們將歡迎他們加入銀河系大家庭 Then we welcome them to the intergalactic Community. 183 00:13:44,320 --> 00:13:45,548 先生們 準備好了嗎 Are we ready, gentlemen? 184 00:13:46,400 --> 00:13:49,119 地球人隨機選擇開始 Commencing random selection of earthlings. 185 00:13:50,480 --> 00:13:51,799 數據處理中 Processing... 186 00:13:53,240 --> 00:13:54,389 數據處理中 Processing... 187 00:13:55,400 --> 00:13:56,628 地球人 Earthling. 188 00:13:57,200 --> 00:13:58,428 好極了 Jolly good! 189 00:13:58,960 --> 00:14:00,075 等等 Wait! 190 00:14:00,160 --> 00:14:01,388 選中 Selected. 191 00:14:04,560 --> 00:14:08,758 這個地球人有十天時間來用超能力行善 The earthling has ten days to prove he can use absolute power for good 192 00:14:08,840 --> 00:14:10,990 而不是為惡 rather than for evil. 193 00:14:21,200 --> 00:14:22,269 天啊 God. 194 00:14:30,880 --> 00:14:31,949 混蛋 Fuck you! 195 00:14:43,080 --> 00:14:47,312 他們要求我的工作就是去嘲笑那些寫出精彩作品的作者 All they want me to do is help them sneer at people who write wonderful books. 196 00:14:47,360 --> 00:14:50,716 我的製片人要求我去挖掘阿曼霍特普三世的醜聞 Well, my producer just wants me to dig up dirt on Amenhotep iii. 197 00:14:51,800 --> 00:14:54,189 我一直跟他們說法老本性善良 i keep telling them he had a kind nature 198 00:14:54,280 --> 00:14:55,395 還有一雙溫柔的手 and lovely hands. 199 00:14:56,440 --> 00:14:59,477 我真希望和阿曼霍特普三世共度一夜良宵 i would have loved to spend an evening with Amenhotep iii. 200 00:14:59,560 --> 00:15:02,996 羅西 他已經去世4000多年了 Yeah, except he's been dead 4,000 years, Rosie, 201 00:15:03,040 --> 00:15:05,713 而且他會一直聊關於防腐的話題 and he'd spend all day long talking about embalming. 202 00:15:05,840 --> 00:15:07,831 那給我找個活著的帥哥吧 Well, find me a good one that's still breathing. 203 00:15:07,880 --> 00:15:09,836 也給我一個吧 tell me about it. 204 00:15:09,920 --> 00:15:11,353 格蘭特怎麼樣 What about Grant? 205 00:15:11,440 --> 00:15:14,876 格蘭特上校有點問題 Oh, well, Colonel Grant turned out to have issues. 206 00:15:14,960 --> 00:15:17,758 -問題 -神經病問題 -issues? -Yeah, like being clinically insane. 207 00:15:18,280 --> 00:15:19,599 真丟臉 Shame. 208 00:15:19,680 --> 00:15:21,159 也許有點誇張了 Maybe that's overstating it. 209 00:15:21,240 --> 00:15:25,279 只是有點強迫癥 佔有慾和大醋罈子 Uh, just obsessive, possessive and pathologically jealous. 210 00:15:27,080 --> 00:15:28,195 你樓上那位鄰居怎麼樣 What about him upstairs? 211 00:15:29,080 --> 00:15:31,275 哦 他想在超市挑逗我 Oh, he tried to cheer me up in the supermarket. 212 00:15:31,360 --> 00:15:32,952 那麼他是同性戀了 Oh, so he's gay? 213 00:15:33,040 --> 00:15:34,189 什麼 What? 214 00:15:34,880 --> 00:15:38,156 他富有同情心 關心別人 有空閒時間 Well, he's sympathetic, interested, available. 215 00:15:38,720 --> 00:15:42,599 -這才是真正的生活方式 -他不是同性戀 -That's the way life works. -No, he's not gay. 216 00:15:42,800 --> 00:15:46,156 他很討人喜歡 He's...very likeable. 217 00:16:10,160 --> 00:16:11,991 克拉克先生 Mr Clarke. 218 00:16:14,040 --> 00:16:15,189 嗨 Hi. 219 00:16:15,440 --> 00:16:18,113 克拉克先生 你這是本月第十二次遲到了 This is the twelfth time you've been late this month, Mr Clarke. 220 00:16:18,200 --> 00:16:19,633 我被車撞了 Yeah, i got knocked off my bike. 221 00:16:19,720 --> 00:16:24,191 昨天你食物中毒 星期五的時候你說以為是週六 Yesterday you had food poisoning. Friday you thought it was Saturday. 222 00:16:24,640 --> 00:16:27,234 星期一的時候你說忘了把表調成夏令時 Monday you forgot to put your clock forward. 223 00:16:27,320 --> 00:16:28,355 每個人都那樣做啊 Oh, everybody does that. 224 00:16:28,520 --> 00:16:32,479 上個星期三你說和達賴喇嘛有個約會 Week last Wednesday it seems you had an appointment with the Dalai Lama. 225 00:16:32,560 --> 00:16:34,118 我可以給你看照片 Yeah, i showed you the picture. 226 00:16:34,840 --> 00:16:37,673 你上次和邁克爾 傑克遜約會的時候也這麼說的 That had Michael Jackson in it as well. 227 00:16:38,360 --> 00:16:39,679 他是個偉大的人 Well, he's a great man. 228 00:16:40,280 --> 00:16:42,999 偉大到去世之後還能和你合影 Great enough to appear in photographs when he's dead. 229 00:16:44,280 --> 00:16:47,317 克拉克先生 你就是個沒有責任感的人 You, Mr Clarke, are totally irresponsible, 230 00:16:47,440 --> 00:16:50,398 你懶散 沒有價值 you are idle and you are feckless. 231 00:16:50,880 --> 00:16:51,995 沒有價值 Feckless? 232 00:16:52,600 --> 00:16:54,556 是的 沒有價值 Yes, you are without feck. 233 00:16:57,680 --> 00:16:59,432 如果能找到替代你的人就好了 if i could replace You, i would. 234 00:17:02,760 --> 00:17:04,352 我也這麼想的 Yeah, well, so would i. 235 00:17:04,440 --> 00:17:07,352 我也是找不到替代我的人 i just don't have anybody to replace me with. 236 00:17:30,760 --> 00:17:32,512 你熱衷滑雪嗎 You a big skier? 237 00:17:32,960 --> 00:17:34,154 我確實特別喜歡 Well, i've had my moments. 238 00:17:36,120 --> 00:17:37,348 你好啊 美女 Hello, gorgeous. 239 00:17:37,520 --> 00:17:41,069 今晚我們倆去喝點雞尾酒怎麼樣 AA制吧 How about cocktails for two this evening? Go halves? 240 00:17:41,600 --> 00:17:43,318 雷 上一邊去 Drop dead, Ray. 241 00:17:43,400 --> 00:17:46,392 好吧 你考慮一下再來找我 All right. Think about it and get back to me. 242 00:17:49,480 --> 00:17:50,549 真黏人 Knob. 243 00:17:51,480 --> 00:17:52,629 -尼爾 -怎麼了 -Neil? -Yeah. 244 00:17:53,360 --> 00:17:54,793 如果你能為所欲為的話 你想做什麼 if you could do anything, what would you do? 245 00:17:54,880 --> 00:17:59,192 親愛的尼爾 來點罐頭裝的老鼠肉還是來點戰爭受害者的燉肉 Hello, Neil, love. Tinned mouse or fricassee of war victim? 246 00:17:59,280 --> 00:18:01,714 請給我來點烤校長的肉 B女士 i will have the roast headmaster, please, Mrs B. 247 00:18:01,800 --> 00:18:03,119 真有你的 You are a one. 248 00:18:04,800 --> 00:18:06,631 -給你 -謝謝 -There you go. -Thank you. 249 00:18:06,720 --> 00:18:10,474 請給我來點蒸鍋菜 B女士 Uh, i'll have the casserole, please, Mrs B. 250 00:18:13,560 --> 00:18:16,916 雷先生 盡情享用吧 如果你不吃的話 You'll enjoy that, Mr Ray. As long as you don't eat it. 251 00:18:22,720 --> 00:18:25,678 我是說如果你能心想事成 為所欲為 No, i mean, if you could make anything you want happen, 252 00:18:25,760 --> 00:18:27,193 你想做什麼 what would it be? 253 00:18:27,280 --> 00:18:30,238 我會讓丹尼斯吐出它吃掉我寫的三章小說 i would make Dennis regurgitate my notes from chapter three. 254 00:18:36,000 --> 00:18:37,752 如果你能做些超常的事呢 if you could make something impossible happen. 255 00:18:38,200 --> 00:18:39,679 讓紙完好如初 intact. 256 00:18:44,000 --> 00:18:46,992 如果你能讓人崇拜你呢 What if you could make someone worship the ground you walked on? 257 00:18:47,280 --> 00:18:49,953 即使是她認為你是個混蛋 What, even if she thought you were a little shit? 258 00:18:50,040 --> 00:18:51,109 雷 別這樣 Come on, Ray. 259 00:18:51,200 --> 00:18:53,555 那對一個單純的女孩不公平 That would be taking an unfair advantage of an innocent girl. 260 00:18:54,120 --> 00:18:57,351 好吧 假設你能做一件事 OK, but suppose there was one thing you could do 261 00:18:57,440 --> 00:18:59,112 讓你的生活更加美好 that would change your life for the better? 262 00:18:59,520 --> 00:19:01,954 那簡單 我會讓外星飛船摧毀10班的 Oh, that's easy. i would make alien spaceships destroy 1 0C. 263 00:19:09,160 --> 00:19:10,513 聽起來像是學校裏面傳出來的 That sounded like it was in the school. 264 00:19:14,480 --> 00:19:15,708 快閃開 Out of the way! Out of the way! 265 00:19:15,840 --> 00:19:17,353 都退後 Stand back, stand back.Stand back, stand back. 266 00:19:17,440 --> 00:19:18,634 保持冷靜 Now, just stay calm. 267 00:19:23,760 --> 00:19:25,159 我的天啊 Oh, my God! 268 00:19:29,400 --> 00:19:30,594 那是誰 Who was that? 269 00:19:30,720 --> 00:19:35,748 來自銀河系G946區的好人加特 it was the Salubrious Gat of Galaxy G946 WOT. 270 00:19:38,280 --> 00:19:39,838 加特 你在幹嘛 Gat, what do you think you're doing? 271 00:19:40,000 --> 00:19:41,433 莎倫 我只是練習 Just practising, Sharon. 272 00:19:41,840 --> 00:19:46,197 我們還沒有進行司法複查 也許我們還不想毀滅這個物種 We haven't done the judicial review yet. We may not want to destroy this species. 273 00:19:46,680 --> 00:19:47,874 你開什麼玩笑 Who are you kidding?. 274 00:19:47,960 --> 00:19:53,637 445349722個我們遇到的新外星物種 445, 349, 722 new alien species encountered. 275 00:19:54,120 --> 00:19:55,394 授予銀河系高等物種理事會 Number granted membership 276 00:19:55,480 --> 00:19:58,278 會員資格的物種 of the Intergalactic Community of Superior Beings?. 277 00:19:58,600 --> 00:19:59,669 一個也沒有 Zero. 278 00:20:00,200 --> 00:20:01,474 那是我們標準高 We have high standards. 279 00:20:01,760 --> 00:20:03,113 你內心就是想消滅他們 You know you're going to wipe them out. 280 00:20:03,320 --> 00:20:05,151 這取決於地球人做出的選擇 it all depends on the earthling. 281 00:20:06,520 --> 00:20:09,671 經濟復甦的跡象漸行漸遠 And signs of a recovery seem as far away as ever. 282 00:20:16,480 --> 00:20:17,959 嗨 Hey. 283 00:20:18,040 --> 00:20:19,109 嗨 丹尼斯 Hello, Dennis. 284 00:20:20,640 --> 00:20:22,835 丹尼斯 你就不能等我回來再拉 Oh, Dennis. Couldn't you have waited? 285 00:20:24,800 --> 00:20:27,109 現在連線在事發現場的 We can now go live to our reporter Brenda Emmanus 286 00:20:27,200 --> 00:20:28,758 前方記者布倫達 埃梅厄斯 at the scene of the incident. 287 00:20:29,080 --> 00:20:32,038 事情發生在金布克綜合學校 It was here at Kinbrook Comprehensive School 288 00:20:32,520 --> 00:20:35,398 一場爆炸奪取38條生命 that an explosion killed 38 pupils. 289 00:20:35,960 --> 00:20:39,509 一位警方發言人聲稱不排除恐怖襲擊的可能 A police spokesman said they could not rule out a terrorist attack 290 00:20:39,600 --> 00:20:41,318 但是跟此處不明飛行物出現的報告 but say there were no connections with reports 291 00:20:41,440 --> 00:20:44,273 沒有直接關係 of a UFO sighting in the area. 292 00:20:44,360 --> 00:20:45,793 校長羅伯特先生 The head teacher, Mr Robert... 293 00:20:50,680 --> 00:20:52,432 丹尼斯 就是一搜外星飛船干的 Oh, sure, Dennis, it was an alien spaceship. 294 00:20:53,840 --> 00:20:55,831 你在說什麼 What are you talking about? 295 00:20:55,880 --> 00:20:58,030 如果我能讓一搜外星飛船摧毀10班 if i could make an alien spaceship destroy 1 0C, 296 00:20:58,120 --> 00:21:00,509 那我就不會拿著這把狗屎鏟無所適從了 then i wouldn't be farting around with this, would i? 297 00:21:00,560 --> 00:21:01,913 我可以說 i'd just say, 298 00:21:02,000 --> 00:21:03,638 狗屎 把自己清理乾淨 "Dog mess, clean yourself up." 299 00:21:07,200 --> 00:21:08,599 沒錯吧 See? 300 00:21:42,320 --> 00:21:43,469 這是今天震驚後的幻覺 it's just shock. 301 00:21:43,880 --> 00:21:47,077 一定是今天震驚後的幻覺 it's just post-hallucination shock. That's all it is. 302 00:21:51,640 --> 00:21:54,837 丹尼斯 根本沒有外星飛船 對嗎 i mean, it couldn't have been an alien spaceship, Dennis, could it? 303 00:21:54,920 --> 00:21:58,151 根本不可能有 i mean, it just, i mean, it couldn't have. 304 00:21:59,480 --> 00:22:00,629 天啊 Oh, my God. 305 00:22:07,200 --> 00:22:08,394 是我的筆記 That's my notes. 306 00:22:09,600 --> 00:22:12,068 該死 Ah, damn it! 307 00:22:19,480 --> 00:22:22,153 威士忌回到瓶子裏 Whisky, go back in the bottle. 308 00:22:25,000 --> 00:22:27,468 看到了嗎 什麼也沒發生 See? You see? There's nothing. it's nothing. 309 00:22:28,200 --> 00:22:29,952 什麼也沒發生 There was nothing. it's nothing. 310 00:22:30,040 --> 00:22:31,519 威士忌回到瓶子裏 Whisky, go back in the bottle. 311 00:22:38,720 --> 00:22:39,914 天啊 Oh, my God. 312 00:22:41,760 --> 00:22:43,318 我要先揮手才行 i have to wave my hand. 313 00:22:54,240 --> 00:22:58,597 威士忌 替換成單一麥芽威士忌 Whisky, exchange yourself for another bottle, a single malt. 314 00:23:01,240 --> 00:23:02,832 快回來 Hey, come back! 315 00:23:24,120 --> 00:23:25,314 芝麻快開門 Door, open quick. 316 00:23:27,080 --> 00:23:28,399 不要那麼快啊 Not that quick. 317 00:23:29,480 --> 00:23:32,438 我不是讓你去商店替換成單一麥芽的 i didn't mean go back to the shop to get exchanged! 318 00:23:38,520 --> 00:23:39,669 關門了 it's closed. 319 00:23:42,160 --> 00:23:44,116 糟糕 Oh, shit. 320 00:23:50,160 --> 00:23:53,277 -抓到你了 -丹尼斯 幫幫我 -Gotcha! -Help me, Dennis! 321 00:23:53,360 --> 00:23:54,634 -抓到罪犯 -幫幫我 -Priority. -Help me! 322 00:24:06,400 --> 00:24:09,119 丹尼斯 別出聲 Shh, Dennis, be quiet. 323 00:24:09,280 --> 00:24:11,510 糟糕 Oh, shit. 324 00:24:18,480 --> 00:24:20,357 好了 娘娘腔 你被逮捕了 -All right, laddie. You're nicked. 325 00:24:24,760 --> 00:24:26,512 我和丹尼斯在家吃晚飯 Me be at home having dinner with Dennis. 326 00:24:32,640 --> 00:24:34,870 真噁心啊 Oh, yuck! Chumzy! 327 00:24:37,880 --> 00:24:41,475 警官 如果你洩漏一個字 就派你去處理社區糾紛去 You say one word about this, Constable, you'll be on community relations. 328 00:24:48,280 --> 00:24:49,918 天啊 10班的人 Oh, my God. 1 0C! 329 00:24:58,920 --> 00:25:01,070 讓所有死人復活 Uh, let everyone who died be alive again. 330 00:25:29,880 --> 00:25:31,108 天啊 Oh, God. 331 00:25:32,880 --> 00:25:36,475 不 我是說10班死去的人復活 Oh, no. No, no, no, no. No, i meant everybody in 1 0C be alive again! 332 00:25:37,320 --> 00:25:40,312 肯定不是讓所有死人復活 你瘋了嗎 Obviously. Not everyone who's died ever. Are you crazy? 333 00:25:45,800 --> 00:25:46,949 糟糕 Shit. Shit. 334 00:25:47,040 --> 00:25:49,634 讓那次爆炸死去的人復活 And everybody who died in the bomb blast that is alive again, 335 00:25:49,680 --> 00:25:50,954 而且完好無損 be completely uninjured. 336 00:25:51,720 --> 00:25:53,039 糟糕 Oh, shit, shit, shit! 337 00:25:53,320 --> 00:25:56,551 讓我感覺好點 Uh, OK, me feel better. 338 00:25:57,000 --> 00:25:58,194 好多了 Oh, that's better. 339 00:25:58,480 --> 00:26:01,153 讓我接下來想個好主意 Me have a really good idea about what to do next. 340 00:26:01,240 --> 00:26:02,389 真是個好主意 Oh, that's a good idea. 341 00:26:02,520 --> 00:26:05,080 讓那次爆炸從未發生過 Um, let the explosion never have happened. 342 00:26:05,160 --> 00:26:08,152 我是說如果你能心想事成 為所欲為 No, i mean, if you could make anything you wanted happen, 343 00:26:09,200 --> 00:26:11,031 你會做什麼 what would it be? 344 00:26:11,160 --> 00:26:12,229 你說什麼 i'm sorry, what? 345 00:26:12,840 --> 00:26:14,671 我是說如果你能心想事成 為所欲為 if you could do anything, what would you do? 346 00:26:16,080 --> 00:26:19,231 真奇怪 我好像夢到我心想事成了 That's very weird. i think i just dreamt that i could. 347 00:26:19,320 --> 00:26:20,355 什麼 What? 348 00:26:20,520 --> 00:26:23,318 心想事成 我夢到我揮揮手說幾句話 Do anything. i dreamt that i could just wave my hand and say such-and-such 349 00:26:23,360 --> 00:26:24,475 就可以實現 and it would happen. 350 00:26:24,840 --> 00:26:25,909 那你做了什麼 So what did you do? 351 00:26:26,000 --> 00:26:27,831 我讓外星飛船摧毀了10班 i made alien spaceships destroy 1 0C. 352 00:26:28,000 --> 00:26:29,069 好想法 Good thinking. 353 00:26:30,440 --> 00:26:33,034 我會讓桃樂茜 普林格爾崇拜我 i would make Dorothy Pringle worship the ground i walked on. 354 00:26:33,560 --> 00:26:36,154 你不會那麼殘忍吧 You wouldn't be so cruel. 355 00:26:40,680 --> 00:26:42,955 歡迎收看圖書新聞 Hello and welcome to Book News, 356 00:26:43,000 --> 00:26:45,912 這個節目會讓你瞭解有什麼新書 the show where you get to know what books are coming to you 357 00:26:46,040 --> 00:26:47,837 而作者會瞭解到自己有什麼不為人知的秘密 and authors get what's coming to them. 358 00:26:49,040 --> 00:26:51,873 出版圖書的簡介有什麼不為人知的內幕 What's the truth under publishers' blurbs?. 359 00:26:51,920 --> 00:26:55,879 為什麼作者們的宣傳照片總是比實際年輕10歲 Why do writers' photographs always show them looking ten years younger?. 360 00:26:55,920 --> 00:26:58,514 收看本節目來一探究竟 You've come to the right place to find out. 361 00:26:58,600 --> 00:27:01,433 今晚我們的第一位嘉賓莫蒂默 斯坦利 Our first guest tonight is Mortimer Stanley, 362 00:27:01,520 --> 00:27:05,877 最新出版了一部名為《睜開眼睛看世界》的小說 whose latest novel is entitled What You See With Your Eyes Open. 363 00:27:06,880 --> 00:27:10,190 莫蒂默 你上一部出版的小說距今快十多年了 Mortimer, your last novel was published nearly ten years ago. 364 00:27:10,240 --> 00:27:14,552 那部小說得到了褒貶不一的評價,並且發售不到3000本 it got what they call "mixed reviews" and sold fewer than 3,000 copies. 365 00:27:15,400 --> 00:27:17,709 是什麼讓你還有勇氣書寫下一本小說 What possessed you to write another one? 366 00:27:17,760 --> 00:27:19,716 我妻子去世了 Well, my wife was dying. 367 00:27:20,120 --> 00:27:21,633 你們分居了是嗎 You were estranged, weren't you? 368 00:27:21,720 --> 00:27:25,759 是的 但是她臨終前敦促我一定要寫下一本書 Well, yes, but on her deathbed, she urged me to write another book. 369 00:27:25,880 --> 00:27:27,393 她知道她將永遠不會看到了吧 Knowing that she would never have to read it? 370 00:27:27,440 --> 00:27:28,475 是的 Well... 371 00:27:29,280 --> 00:27:32,397 費奈拉抱怨你沒有告訴她 這個作者在商店行竊的事 Fenella's complaining that you didn't tell her about his shoplifting conviction. 372 00:27:32,480 --> 00:27:35,916 詹姆斯 他當時才14歲 而且這件事和他的作品無關 Well, he was 14, James. it's got nothing to do with his book. 373 00:27:35,960 --> 00:27:37,712 也和這檔節目無關 凱瑟琳 Well, neither has the show, Cath. 374 00:27:37,840 --> 00:27:41,071 讓費奈拉煩惱的是你誠實的問題 Listen, what upsets Fenella about you is your integrity. 375 00:27:42,000 --> 00:27:43,956 但我確很喜歡你這點 But me, i quite like it. 376 00:27:45,640 --> 00:27:48,598 好好表現 你就可以擁有一間獨立辦公室 Play your cards right, you could get your own office 377 00:27:48,640 --> 00:27:50,073 更大的辦公桌和開闊的景色 with a bigger desk and a view. 378 00:27:52,800 --> 00:27:53,949 呃 Um... 379 00:27:57,680 --> 00:27:59,591 失陪一下 Sorry. Excuse me one second. 380 00:28:00,920 --> 00:28:02,512 記住 要好好表現 Mind you, you've gotta play your cards right. 381 00:28:03,800 --> 00:28:05,199 你過來幹嘛 What the hell are you doing here? 382 00:28:05,280 --> 00:28:07,589 -不給我個香吻嗎 -請走開 -Don't i get a kiss? -Please go away. 383 00:28:07,920 --> 00:28:09,319 凱瑟琳 這對你不公平 That wouldn't be fair to you, Cath. 384 00:28:09,440 --> 00:28:13,149 這是一個讓你重新認識我的好機會 This is a wonderful opportunity for you to get to know the real me. 385 00:28:13,280 --> 00:28:14,838 那我叫保安了 Well... i'm calling security. 386 00:28:14,960 --> 00:28:17,428 不僅是因為我是一個充滿魅力和野心的軍事家 No, not just the charming, high-flying military strategist. 387 00:28:17,520 --> 00:28:19,431 是保安嗎 Hello, security? 388 00:28:19,520 --> 00:28:21,317 還是一名充滿創造力的表演家 Not the inventor of extreme rendition, either. 389 00:28:21,440 --> 00:28:23,476 405室有一名闖入者 Yes, i've got an intruder in room 405. 390 00:28:23,600 --> 00:28:27,479 或者說一名棱鏡門的幕後策劃者 Or the mastermind behind warrantless domestic surveillance. 391 00:28:28,200 --> 00:28:31,431 只是一位愛慕你的謙卑軍官 Just a humble officer who adores you. 392 00:28:33,720 --> 00:28:36,632 格蘭特 我很感激你喜歡我 OK, Grant, i appreciate that you like me... 393 00:28:36,800 --> 00:28:40,873 喜歡 你怎麼能這樣說 你覺得我是那些偽君子嗎 Like? Like? What do you think, i'm one of these cardboard cut-outs? 394 00:28:41,120 --> 00:28:45,193 喜歡 不 是奉承 是崇拜 Like? No. No, no, no. Adulate. Worship. 395 00:28:46,520 --> 00:28:48,829 我不崇拜和奉承你 OK, well, i don't adulate or worship you. 396 00:28:49,320 --> 00:28:50,719 我從沒真正喜歡過你 i don't even really like you. 397 00:28:50,960 --> 00:28:53,713 這就是我為什麼讓你離我遠點的原因 So that's why i'm asking you to just go away and leave me alone. 398 00:28:55,160 --> 00:28:58,357 -我還有希望嗎 -一點都沒有 -So there's some hope? -No, no, no. There's no hope. 399 00:28:59,000 --> 00:29:01,639 凱瑟琳 我穿越整個英格蘭來看你 Cath, i came all the way to England to see you. 400 00:29:01,760 --> 00:29:03,512 你還沒看出來我多在乎你嗎 Doesn't that show you how much i care about you? 401 00:29:03,640 --> 00:29:07,155 我光看出來你有強迫癥了 這可不是我想要的性格 No, it shows me that you're obsessed. Obsession's not a quality that i admire. 402 00:29:07,240 --> 00:29:08,468 真的嗎 Really? 403 00:29:09,240 --> 00:29:11,310 上校 我覺得這位女士想讓你離開 i think the lady wants you to go, Colonel. 404 00:29:14,400 --> 00:29:16,197 你在英國廣播公司工作嗎 You work for the BBC, don't you? 405 00:29:17,000 --> 00:29:18,194 是的 i do. 406 00:29:20,400 --> 00:29:24,234 你知道誰實際控制英國廣播公司嗎 You know who ultimately controls the British Broadcasting Corporation? 407 00:29:27,200 --> 00:29:29,350 在北卡羅來納州布拉格堡 A little guy that used to work down the hall from me 408 00:29:29,400 --> 00:29:31,391 一個小傢伙曾經為我工作 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. 409 00:29:31,920 --> 00:29:34,036 這是他在工作之餘創立的公司 And he did it in his spare time. 410 00:29:37,960 --> 00:29:40,758 親愛的 回頭見 i'll catch you later, honey. 411 00:29:47,040 --> 00:29:51,352 在一個派對上 我正在做紀錄片 而且喝醉了才認識的他 it was a party. i was doing a documentary. i was drunk. 412 00:29:51,920 --> 00:29:53,239 我就是這樣的女人 Judging me. 413 00:30:02,560 --> 00:30:04,039 天啊 Oh, God. 414 00:30:15,080 --> 00:30:19,471 讓10班變成模範班級 善良又體貼 Let 10C become a model class,kind and considerate. 415 00:30:19,560 --> 00:30:20,788 而且勤奮好學 Oh, and eager to learn. 416 00:30:32,080 --> 00:30:35,595 -下午好 10班同學 -下午好 克拉克先生 -Good afternoon, 10C. -Good afternoon, Mr Clarke. 417 00:30:37,920 --> 00:30:41,310 請翻到73頁,閱讀整章內容 Um, could you all turn to page 73, please, and read the entire chapter? 418 00:30:41,440 --> 00:30:43,476 -整章內容 -是的 -What, the whole chapter? -Yes. 419 00:30:43,600 --> 00:30:45,955 -太好了 -太讓人激動了 -Oh, good. -How exciting! 420 00:30:46,080 --> 00:30:47,832 他竟然允許我們閱讀整章內容 He's letting us read the whole chapter! 421 00:30:48,160 --> 00:30:50,515 -太好了 -那你開始閱讀吧 -Great. -Well, you get on with it, then. 422 00:31:14,640 --> 00:31:17,359 讓校長變得對我非常友好 Let the headmaster be nice to me for a change. 423 00:31:19,120 --> 00:31:21,680 你表演吉他的方式真是無法形容 And what you did with the guitar quite beggars belief. 424 00:31:21,800 --> 00:31:23,438 這絕對不是聖歌的演奏方式 That is not how Kumbaya goes. 425 00:31:23,480 --> 00:31:25,869 尼爾 真高興見到你 Neil. So good to see you! 426 00:31:25,960 --> 00:31:28,997 你今天穿的真好看 很合身 i love what you're wearing. it really does, it's just a great ensemble. 427 00:31:29,240 --> 00:31:30,958 和你之前穿的衣服有些相似 So similar to what you were wearing before. 428 00:31:31,000 --> 00:31:34,151 但你自由散漫的工作態度 But your laissez-faire attitude to work is a great counterpoint 429 00:31:34,200 --> 00:31:35,792 很符合我的工作指導理念 to my by-the-book approach. 430 00:31:35,880 --> 00:31:37,074 尼爾 真高興有你這樣的教職工 Great having you on the staff, Neil. 431 00:31:37,360 --> 00:31:39,316 -謝謝 -沒事 -Thank you. -Right. 432 00:31:39,360 --> 00:31:40,395 耶 Yeah! 433 00:31:40,800 --> 00:31:43,997 他一定非常愛你才會飛躍太平洋來看你 He must love you an awful lot to fly across the Atlantic. 434 00:31:44,080 --> 00:31:46,310 他只是不能忍受失去任何屬於他的東西 No, he just can't bear losing anything. 435 00:31:46,880 --> 00:31:49,838 格蘭特在乎的 我只是一份他丟失的東西 As far as Grant's concerned, i'm just a piece of lost property 436 00:31:50,000 --> 00:31:52,992 他希望把這個東西收回 擺在他家壁爐上面 he wants to retrieve and put back on his mantelpiece. 437 00:31:53,080 --> 00:31:55,310 他真可怕 而且很瘋狂 He was really scary. Crazy. 438 00:31:56,680 --> 00:31:59,148 我之前有個男友也是這樣 i had a boyfriend like that once. 439 00:31:59,200 --> 00:32:00,918 這種人不接受拒絕 The sort who wouldn't take no for an answer. 440 00:32:01,000 --> 00:32:02,513 那發生什麼了 Did you? What happened? 441 00:32:02,600 --> 00:32:04,158 我嫁給他了 i married him. 442 00:32:05,360 --> 00:32:08,989 埃裏克森 你懂那些浪漫的語種嗎 法語 意大利語 Mr Eriksson, you know the romance languages, French, italian... 443 00:32:09,080 --> 00:32:10,832 是的 普林格爾小姐 我就是教語言的 Yes, Miss Pringle, i teach them. 444 00:32:11,160 --> 00:32:12,832 我很好奇 為什麼要叫法語 意大利語 Well, i was wondering how they got their name? 445 00:32:13,080 --> 00:32:16,516 -是古羅馬時期這麼叫的 -其實是根據拉丁語叫的 -it's to do with Rome, ancient Rome. -it's from the Latin. 446 00:32:18,200 --> 00:32:20,839 這些語言聽著這麼浪漫是巧合嗎 So it's just a coincidence that they sound so romantic? 447 00:32:20,920 --> 00:32:23,559 實際上 我認為這個那些國家的經濟有關 Actually, i'm thinking of switching to economics. 448 00:32:23,840 --> 00:32:25,239 哦 Oh. 449 00:32:25,520 --> 00:32:27,033 他真是 He is... 450 00:32:32,200 --> 00:32:34,270 讓普林格爾小姐崇拜雷 Let Miss Pringle worship Ray. 451 00:32:37,040 --> 00:32:38,792 雷 Ray. 452 00:32:53,120 --> 00:32:55,076 我他媽的可以為所欲為了 i can do abso-fucking-lutely anything. 453 00:33:06,760 --> 00:33:07,954 耶 Yeah. 454 00:33:10,160 --> 00:33:12,071 讓我變成美國總統 Me be President of the United States. 455 00:33:17,240 --> 00:33:18,434 呃 Hmm. 456 00:33:18,920 --> 00:33:20,069 真奇怪 That's funny. 457 00:33:20,480 --> 00:33:21,993 讓我變成美國總統 Me be President of the United States. 458 00:33:23,000 --> 00:33:24,592 -真幸運讓我們找到您 先生 -什麼 -Thank God we found you, sir. -Sorry? 459 00:33:24,680 --> 00:33:26,113 我們找了您半天 We've been looking for you everywhere. 460 00:33:26,240 --> 00:33:27,434 天啊 Oh, my God! 461 00:33:27,480 --> 00:33:29,630 救命啊 有人開槍 Help! Help! Guns! They're shooting! 462 00:33:30,640 --> 00:33:32,835 Move, move, move!. Move!. 463 00:33:37,800 --> 00:33:40,394 真抱歉 總統先生 i am sorry about that, Mr President. 464 00:33:40,440 --> 00:33:44,592 這是一份關於敘利亞 財政赤字 Now, here are the briefing papers for Syria, the deficit, 465 00:33:44,640 --> 00:33:47,518 以色列和中東 天朝 全球變暖 israel and the Middle East, China, global warming, 466 00:33:47,640 --> 00:33:50,837 失業問題以及北極野生動物保護區的簡報 unemployment and the Arctic Wildlife Reserve. 467 00:33:51,520 --> 00:33:53,272 他們在開槍 They're shooting! 468 00:33:53,360 --> 00:33:55,794 讓我回家變回原來的自己 Me be my old self at home! 469 00:34:02,480 --> 00:34:05,870 我能心想事成 i can do anything. 470 00:34:07,720 --> 00:34:10,951 但是我內心最渴望什麼呢 OK, but what do i really want? 471 00:34:17,480 --> 00:34:19,277 讓我的丁丁變大 Give me a really big dick. 472 00:34:19,840 --> 00:34:20,955 哦 Ouch! 473 00:34:21,680 --> 00:34:23,796 不用那麼大 Ouch, not that big, obviously! 474 00:34:24,320 --> 00:34:26,390 讓丁丁變回原來的尺寸 Just... Dick, return to the old size. 475 00:34:28,520 --> 00:34:30,158 哦 Oh! 476 00:34:32,360 --> 00:34:37,354 讓我的丁丁變得有異性緣 OK, um... Let me have a penis that women find exciting. 477 00:34:40,360 --> 00:34:42,237 很好 可以讓它白一點嗎 Yeah, it's good, yeah. Can i have it in white? 478 00:34:43,360 --> 00:34:44,713 好的 Right, OK, um... 479 00:34:45,920 --> 00:34:47,672 讓我有一副完美的身材 Let me have a really great body. 480 00:34:49,160 --> 00:34:50,354 喔 Wow. 481 00:34:52,160 --> 00:34:53,195 不 No. 482 00:34:53,680 --> 00:34:56,717 不 讓我有一副偉人的身材 Um, no, look, no, look, give me the body of a great man. 483 00:34:58,680 --> 00:35:01,194 這是什麼鬼 不是變成愛因斯坦 What the fuck? Not Albert Einstein. 484 00:35:02,360 --> 00:35:04,351 讓我有一副完美的男性身材 Let me have the great body of a man. 485 00:35:12,200 --> 00:35:15,192 讓我現在可以透視樓下的凱瑟琳 Me be able to see Catherine from downstairs, now. 486 00:35:29,240 --> 00:35:30,468 糟糕 Shit. 487 00:35:33,040 --> 00:35:34,553 讓我看不見她 Let me not be able to see her. 488 00:35:35,080 --> 00:35:36,798 我不是想變成盲人 No, i don't mean me go blind. 489 00:35:37,720 --> 00:35:39,756 讓我能穿透地板看到她 而不是讓地板消失 Let me be able to see but floor be as it was. 490 00:35:45,320 --> 00:35:48,995 來自樓下的凱瑟琳 忘記剛才發生的事 Uh, Catherine from downstairs, forget what just happened. 491 00:35:57,160 --> 00:35:58,639 快閃開 Move out of the way. 492 00:35:58,720 --> 00:36:00,597 保持安靜 Thank you. Quiet, please. Quietly. 493 00:36:12,160 --> 00:36:14,515 -雷 -嗯 -Um, Ray? -Hmm? 494 00:36:14,920 --> 00:36:18,913 你還記得我們之前關於為所欲為的討論嗎 You know earlier on we were talking about being able to do anything? 495 00:36:19,000 --> 00:36:20,956 -當然 -好的 -Oh, yeah. -Yeah, well, um... 496 00:36:21,800 --> 00:36:27,318 聽起來很蠢 但我確實可以做到為所欲為了 This is going to sound kind of stupid but suddenly i can. 497 00:36:28,680 --> 00:36:30,318 -可以什麼 -為所欲為 -Can what? -Do anything. 498 00:36:30,440 --> 00:36:31,634 就是心想事成 Just make things happen. 499 00:36:31,760 --> 00:36:35,355 不可能發生的事 我一揮手就搞定了 Things that shouldn't happen, i just wave my hand and they do. 500 00:36:36,960 --> 00:36:38,154 你還好吧 You feeling OK? 501 00:36:39,120 --> 00:36:40,838 請看 Yeah, um, just look. 502 00:36:44,840 --> 00:36:46,114 告訴我們你是誰 You, tell us who you were. 503 00:36:46,640 --> 00:36:49,552 你們可能不相信 我曾是個魔術師 You'll never believe this but i was a conjuror! 504 00:36:50,120 --> 00:36:52,475 我就是偉大的阿爾弗雷多 i went by the name of The Great Alfredo. 505 00:36:53,480 --> 00:36:55,277 真名是 雷吉 霍斯金斯 Real name was Reg Hoskins. 506 00:36:55,800 --> 00:36:59,554 我參加過很多俱樂部 私人派對的活動 i did variety, clubs, private parties, the lot. 507 00:36:59,640 --> 00:37:01,358 這是什麼 三維投影嗎 What is this? 3D projection or something, right? 508 00:37:01,840 --> 00:37:03,956 當然 好漢不提當年勇 Course, it's all gone now. 509 00:37:04,000 --> 00:37:05,353 -全怪外國佬 -嘿 -i blame the wogs. -Hey! 510 00:37:05,640 --> 00:37:07,471 都是黑鬼藝人的問題 All that black minstrel stuff. 511 00:37:08,000 --> 00:37:09,194 一旦他們允許 Once they started allowing that... 512 00:37:09,320 --> 00:37:10,548 這可不是我說的 That's not me, that's what i'm saying. it's... 513 00:37:10,640 --> 00:37:13,473 猶太人掌管了經濟 一切都不復從前了 Jews took over the business. it was never the same again. 514 00:37:13,560 --> 00:37:15,152 快去跳窗戶吧 Just go and jump out the window. 515 00:37:15,800 --> 00:37:17,518 好的 看著點 Right-o. Watch this. 516 00:37:30,160 --> 00:37:31,195 什麼 What... 517 00:37:31,680 --> 00:37:34,240 -你怎麼坐到的 -我不知道 -How did you do that? -i don't know. 518 00:37:35,160 --> 00:37:37,230 我敢發誓剛才一個骷髏說話了 i could swear it was the skeleton talking. 519 00:37:37,320 --> 00:37:39,880 -沒錯啊 -好的 -Yeah, it was. -OK. 520 00:37:40,360 --> 00:37:41,554 讓我看看你還能做什麼 Let me see you do another one. 521 00:37:42,160 --> 00:37:43,513 我現在想不起來要做什麼 Well, what? i can't think of anything. 522 00:37:43,680 --> 00:37:47,514 要不來點鮮花 Oh, come on. You know, how about some flowers? 523 00:37:48,520 --> 00:37:50,351 讓我手中拿著一捧鮮花 Bunch of flowers in my hand. 524 00:37:50,440 --> 00:37:54,069 真簡單 要不整間屋子都是鮮花 it's pathetic. How about room be covered in flowers? 525 00:37:55,680 --> 00:37:56,874 別這樣 雷 Come on, Ray. 526 00:37:58,240 --> 00:38:00,196 雷 來點有想像力的 Ray. Think of something more imaginative. 527 00:38:02,040 --> 00:38:05,635 該死的 帕爾默 是你把骷髏丟出去的嗎 Bloody hell, Palmer. Did you just throw this out the window? 528 00:38:05,960 --> 00:38:08,315 尼爾 是你丟的嗎 Neil. Did you throw this out the window? 529 00:38:08,360 --> 00:38:09,634 真有趣啊 That's very funny. 530 00:38:09,720 --> 00:38:11,790 你在這幹嘛 快回家去吧 我替你想個借口 What are you doing here? Go on, get on home. i'll cover for you. 531 00:38:13,360 --> 00:38:14,634 天啊 Oh, my God. 532 00:38:17,720 --> 00:38:20,075 這是我吃過最好吃的三明治 This is the best sandwich i've ever tasted. 533 00:38:20,720 --> 00:38:21,869 早就告訴你了 Told you. 534 00:38:22,240 --> 00:38:24,435 我們可以擁有一匹賽馬 You know what? We could own a racehorse. 535 00:38:25,880 --> 00:38:28,713 雷 我們可以擁有全世界的賽馬 Ray, we could own every racehorse in the world. 536 00:38:28,760 --> 00:38:29,909 太誇張了 No shit. 537 00:38:38,880 --> 00:38:41,519 -我們每次都贏 -每次都贏 -We win every time? -They're all ours. 538 00:38:42,600 --> 00:38:44,875 別想賽馬了 Let's forget about the horses. 539 00:38:44,920 --> 00:38:46,911 尼爾 我們可以擁有一切 We could have anything, Neil. 540 00:38:47,000 --> 00:38:49,560 財富 名望 女人 Wealth, fame. Women. 541 00:38:50,920 --> 00:38:53,878 我們可以讓任何女人愛上我們 We could make any woman fall in love with us. 542 00:38:53,920 --> 00:38:56,514 尼爾 任何我們想要的女人 Neil, any woman we want. 543 00:38:57,920 --> 00:39:00,832 晚安 凱瑟琳 回頭見 Goodnight, Catherine. See you later. 544 00:39:04,440 --> 00:39:06,112 上車吧 寶貝 Jump in, babe. 545 00:39:06,320 --> 00:39:08,595 格蘭特 路邊求歡在這個國家是違法的 Kerb crawling is illegal in this country, Grant. 546 00:39:08,840 --> 00:39:11,593 像我這種有權勢的人無所謂 That doesn't really apply to people with my security clearance. 547 00:39:11,680 --> 00:39:13,193 而且 你怎麼回家你 Besides, how else are you going to get home? 548 00:39:13,440 --> 00:39:14,919 我坐地鐵 請閃開 On the Tube. Go away. 549 00:39:15,120 --> 00:39:18,590 倫敦的地鐵比關塔那摩監獄還糟糕 The London Underground is worse than anything we ever did in Guantanamo. 550 00:39:18,640 --> 00:39:21,279 -你不用委屈自己 -那我也不想做你的車 -You don't deserve that. -No, i don't deserve this, either. 551 00:39:21,360 --> 00:39:23,999 -請別煩我 -好的 沒問題 -Please, leave me alone. -OK, OK, i get it. 552 00:39:24,120 --> 00:39:25,519 但請你溫柔的說話 好嗎 But you gotta let me down gently, huh? 553 00:39:26,160 --> 00:39:27,309 什麼意思 What does that mean? 554 00:39:28,640 --> 00:39:29,959 你心裏有別人了 Well, there's somebody else, right? 555 00:39:30,440 --> 00:39:32,431 不 格蘭特 和這個無關 No, Grant, that's not what this is about. 556 00:39:32,680 --> 00:39:33,715 那 it's... 557 00:39:34,840 --> 00:39:36,319 你我之間不合適 You and i are not compatible. 558 00:39:38,200 --> 00:39:41,112 我們可以喝著咖啡坐下來聊聊 So, we could grab some coffee, sit and talk. 559 00:39:41,640 --> 00:39:43,517 有什麼用 我們沒什麼好聊的 What would that even achieve? There's nothing to talk about. 560 00:39:44,800 --> 00:39:47,189 除了我為了我們租了一間豪華公寓 Except for the luxury apartment i rented for us. 561 00:39:47,320 --> 00:39:48,833 能直接欣賞聖保羅大教堂的風景 it's got a view of St Paul's Cathedral. 562 00:39:50,240 --> 00:39:52,800 天啊 快回家吧 格蘭特 Oh, my God. Go home, Grant. 563 00:39:53,560 --> 00:39:55,312 -這是鑰匙 -我不要 -Here's the key. -i don't want it. 564 00:39:55,960 --> 00:39:57,154 當我帶你去那之後 And when i get you up there, 565 00:39:57,240 --> 00:40:00,152 你會認為你進天堂了 you're going to think you died and went to heaven. 566 00:40:38,520 --> 00:40:40,272 -去他媽的 格蘭特 -去他媽的 格蘭特 -Fuck Grant. -Oh, yeah, fuck Grant. 567 00:40:40,360 --> 00:40:41,679 去他媽的 格蘭特 Fuck Grant. 568 00:40:45,320 --> 00:40:48,995 去他媽的 詹姆斯 克拉韋爾 Fuck James Cleverill. 569 00:40:54,680 --> 00:40:56,557 去他媽的 所有電視製片人 Fuck all TV producers. 570 00:40:56,680 --> 00:40:58,910 特別是那些想潛規則你的 Especially ones that say you can sleep with them. 571 00:40:59,160 --> 00:41:00,957 前提是我要好好表現 But if i play my cards right. 572 00:41:11,040 --> 00:41:14,237 為什麼我總碰見這些控制狂 Why do i always end up with the control freaks? 573 00:41:14,400 --> 00:41:15,833 -或者是同性戀 -是的 -Or gays. -Yeah. 574 00:41:16,560 --> 00:41:18,596 -誰 -樓上那位鄰居 -Who? -Him upstairs. 575 00:41:19,360 --> 00:41:20,839 親愛的 他不是同性戀 Oh, honey, he's not gay. 576 00:41:21,840 --> 00:41:24,354 他很有魅力 很友好 He's attractive. He's kind. 577 00:41:25,080 --> 00:41:26,433 好吧 那去他媽的吧 Well, then, fuck him. 578 00:41:26,720 --> 00:41:29,553 -不 他很好 -我不是說去他媽的 -No, he's nice. -No, i don't mean fuck him. 579 00:41:30,760 --> 00:41:33,228 我是說和他嘿嘿嘿 i mean fuck him. 580 00:41:38,320 --> 00:41:40,276 -和他嘿嘿嘿 -是的 -You mean fuck him? -Yeah. 581 00:41:40,800 --> 00:41:42,916 -現在嗎 -不是現在 -What, right now? -No, not now. 582 00:41:43,840 --> 00:41:45,319 先讓我幫你化化妝 You've got to let me do your make-up first. 583 00:41:49,960 --> 00:41:52,679 故障 銀河系能源衰竭 Malfunction. Galactic power failure. 584 00:41:53,440 --> 00:41:56,079 哥們 我們要暫停測試 Bother, we'll have to suspend the test. 585 00:41:56,120 --> 00:41:58,429 -什麼 -一眨眼的功夫就好 -What? -This is on the blink, Sharon. 586 00:41:58,760 --> 00:42:02,275 在我修好之前 那個地球人就得不到銀河系能源 The earthling won't have galactic power until i get it working again. 587 00:42:02,440 --> 00:42:03,668 真煩人 Botheration! 588 00:42:04,040 --> 00:42:07,669 我還覺得我們的銀河系能源永不枯竭呢 i thought our galactic powers meant we could do anything? 589 00:42:13,120 --> 00:42:15,759 樓下的凱瑟琳 開始瘋狂的愛上我了 Catherine from downstairs, be madly in love with me. 590 00:42:16,920 --> 00:42:18,194 速度真快啊 That was quick. 591 00:42:22,720 --> 00:42:24,073 -嗨 -嗨 -Hi. -Hi. 592 00:42:24,280 --> 00:42:26,555 -你不是同性戀 -絕對不是 -Um, you're not gay, are you? -No, no. 593 00:42:36,640 --> 00:42:38,471 -我們去床上吧 -好的 -Let's go to bed. -OK. 594 00:42:43,520 --> 00:42:44,839 糟糕 Oh, shit! 595 00:42:46,920 --> 00:42:48,319 我的腿 Ow, my leg! 596 00:42:53,080 --> 00:42:54,308 好了 Got it. 597 00:42:54,960 --> 00:42:58,555 銀河系能源現在繼續像地球人傳輸 Galactic power now returning to earthling. 598 00:43:13,000 --> 00:43:16,000 回去準備上班了 gone to ready for work 599 00:43:30,680 --> 00:43:33,399 變成像在洛杉磯一樣的天氣 Weather, be like it is in Los Angeles. 600 00:43:35,720 --> 00:43:38,757 我不是說現在洛杉磯的天氣 i didn't mean be like it is in Los Angeles right this moment. 601 00:43:38,880 --> 00:43:41,474 真見鬼 這是洛杉磯的半夜 it's the middle of the night, for crying out loud. 602 00:43:41,520 --> 00:43:43,875 變成像洛杉磯 Weather, be like it usually is 603 00:43:43,920 --> 00:43:46,195 平時白天一樣的天氣 in Los Angeles during the day. 604 00:43:47,640 --> 00:43:49,358 低調一點 So pedantic. 605 00:43:53,200 --> 00:43:54,189 好的 All right. 606 00:43:57,560 --> 00:43:59,437 衣服自動穿在我身上 Clothes, get dressed on me. 607 00:44:04,400 --> 00:44:05,753 而且光鮮亮麗 And smarten yourselves up. 608 00:44:06,600 --> 00:44:07,635 太好了 Better. 609 00:44:31,920 --> 00:44:33,433 普林格爾女士 這真的 Miss Pringle, this really... 610 00:44:34,600 --> 00:44:35,828 要停下來了 has to stop. 611 00:44:36,240 --> 00:44:39,357 -哦 主啊 -哦 主啊 -Oh, Lord. -Oh, Lord. 612 00:44:44,840 --> 00:44:46,910 很好 Yeah. 613 00:44:48,280 --> 00:44:50,271 好的 Ah. OK. 614 00:44:50,760 --> 00:44:53,035 真有趣 That was a very interesting... Ow! Ow! 615 00:44:53,120 --> 00:44:54,758 別這樣行嗎 Could you just stop that, please? 616 00:44:54,960 --> 00:44:58,270 別敲盤子了 我們休息一下 You, stop tapping.Let's just have a break, shall we? Just... 617 00:44:59,320 --> 00:45:01,356 下本書是什麼 Right, what's next? 618 00:45:02,200 --> 00:45:03,428 哦 Ooh. 619 00:45:03,480 --> 00:45:06,040 這是本德語書 This one's in German. Wow. 620 00:45:07,360 --> 00:45:10,477 讓我會德語 Let me be able to understand German. 621 00:45:14,840 --> 00:45:17,195 丹尼斯 你在說什麼 What are you talking about, Dennis? 622 00:45:17,280 --> 00:45:20,113 閉嘴 我自己能處理 Look, just shut up, OK? i can handle this. 623 00:45:20,840 --> 00:45:23,229 她不是讓我娶她 She's not going to ask me to marry her. 624 00:45:23,320 --> 00:45:26,710 或者要孩子 Or have my children, OK? 625 00:45:26,800 --> 00:45:29,837 丹尼斯 你在說什麼 Dennis, what are you talking about? 626 00:45:33,240 --> 00:45:35,151 這個主意不錯 你到底再說什麼 That's a good idea, actually. What are you talking about? 627 00:45:35,400 --> 00:45:36,549 丹尼斯 你可以說話了 Dennis, be able to talk. 628 00:45:36,640 --> 00:45:37,914 餅乾 Biscuits. 629 00:45:39,880 --> 00:45:41,916 -什麼 -餅乾 -What? -Biscuits. 630 00:45:42,000 --> 00:45:44,514 如果我讓她愛上我一點點 Maybe if i make her fall in love with me like a little bit, you know, 631 00:45:44,640 --> 00:45:46,039 那樣他就不會要求我娶她了 so she doesn't want to marry me 632 00:45:46,160 --> 00:45:47,388 -但她還要定期和我嘿嘿嘿 -餅乾 -but she would have sex on a regular... -Biscuits. 633 00:45:47,840 --> 00:45:50,479 -天啊 它們在櫥櫃 -什麼它們 -For crying out loud, they're in the cupboard. -What are? 634 00:45:50,880 --> 00:45:53,678 餅乾啊 果醬餅乾 焦糖餅乾 Biscuits. Red biscuits, black biscuits. 635 00:45:53,760 --> 00:45:55,751 -其他事都不重要 -你整天就想餅幹嗎 -Nothing else matters. -is that all you think about? 636 00:45:55,840 --> 00:45:57,592 當然了 就是餅乾 Yes, yes! Biscuits. 637 00:45:59,680 --> 00:46:03,275 好吧 丹尼斯 變成一個有理智的動物 All right, Dennis, become a rational, thinking creature. 638 00:46:03,840 --> 00:46:06,832 在我得到一塊餅乾前 我對任何事都無法集中注意力 Look, i just can't concentrate on anything until i've had one of those biscuits. 639 00:46:07,000 --> 00:46:09,912 我知道這很瘋狂 但我覺得我確實迷上了餅乾 i know it's crazy but that's how it is. i guess i'm kind of hooked on them. 640 00:46:10,000 --> 00:46:11,831 請給我一塊餅乾就好 So please give me just one biscuit, 641 00:46:11,880 --> 00:46:14,519 那樣我就可以思考別的事情了 then i'll be able to think about something else. 642 00:46:15,240 --> 00:46:16,355 有道理 That makes sense. 643 00:46:16,440 --> 00:46:18,829 太好了 他去拿餅乾了 Oh, oh, oh! He's getting the biscuits! He's getting them! This is it! 644 00:46:18,920 --> 00:46:19,955 耶 Yeah! 645 00:46:22,360 --> 00:46:24,191 他去拿餅乾了 He's got them. 646 00:46:24,280 --> 00:46:27,556 他拿餅乾了 他準備扔了 準備好接住餅乾 He's got them. He's going to throw one. Get ready, get ready. Here it comes. 647 00:46:27,720 --> 00:46:29,756 嗯 Ah! Mmm. Mmm. 648 00:46:31,600 --> 00:46:36,071 當個狗肯定很難 我從沒認為你有這麼多渴求慾望 God, it must be terrible being a dog. i never realised you had so many cravings. 649 00:46:36,200 --> 00:46:38,714 -也比你和那個娘們強 -什麼娘們 -it's no worse than you and that bitch. -What bitch? 650 00:46:38,760 --> 00:46:40,910 昨晚你們滾床單的那個娘們 the bitch you were shagging last night. 651 00:46:41,040 --> 00:46:45,318 天啊 她不是娘們 她是個可愛的人類女性 Oh, my God. She's not a bitch, OK? She's a lovely human female. 652 00:46:45,400 --> 00:46:46,549 而且我們不僅僅是滾床單 And we weren't just shagging. 653 00:46:46,640 --> 00:46:49,234 沒事 我不介意抱著你的腿蹭一蹭 Right. Come to think of it, i wouldn't mind shagging your leg right now. 654 00:46:49,280 --> 00:46:51,430 來個大腿舞怎麼樣 在你襪子上面 A little leg dance, huh? Just above the sock. (Laughing) 655 00:46:51,560 --> 00:46:53,278 -呃 -怎樣啊 來吧 色老爹 -Ah... -How about it? Come on, Daddy. (Laughing) 656 00:46:53,400 --> 00:46:56,233 我認為我把你變成一個有理性會思考的物種 i thought i turned you into a rational, thinking creature. 657 00:46:56,600 --> 00:46:58,795 理性會思考的物種一樣有慾望 Rational, thinking creatures still have desires. 658 00:46:59,160 --> 00:47:00,912 那我可以把你的慾望去掉 Oh, well, we can soon deal with that. 659 00:47:01,000 --> 00:47:02,228 不 No! 660 00:47:02,480 --> 00:47:05,631 -不 不要去掉我的慾望 -為什麼 -No, no, don't take my desires away from me. -Why not? 661 00:47:05,720 --> 00:47:09,156 這是我活下去的理由 吃餅乾 蹭大腿 They're what makes my life worth living.Biscuits, shagging. 662 00:47:09,280 --> 00:47:11,555 我不太喜歡和你交流談話 i don't think i like your conversation. 663 00:47:11,680 --> 00:47:14,478 但我崇拜年 主人 我很愛你的 But i worship You, master. i love you so much. 664 00:47:14,600 --> 00:47:16,158 -我無法承受讓你不開心 -我知道 -i can't bear displeasing You. -i... i know. 665 00:47:16,240 --> 00:47:17,798 -當你衝我發脾氣的時候 -我知道 我也愛你 -My whole world collapses... -i know. Yes. i love you. 666 00:47:17,920 --> 00:47:18,909 我的整個世界都崩塌了 ...when you're cross with me. 667 00:47:18,960 --> 00:47:20,154 也許你不會說話更好 Look, maybe it was better when you didn't talk. 668 00:47:20,320 --> 00:47:23,471 不要剝奪我理智會思考說話的能力 Oh, no, don't take away my power of speech now that i can think rationally. 669 00:47:23,600 --> 00:47:24,953 那樣太才人了 That would be so cruel. 670 00:47:26,440 --> 00:47:27,793 -有人按門鈴了 -不 -i heard the bell. Somebody at the door. -OK, no... 671 00:47:27,920 --> 00:47:29,751 -有人按門鈴了 -不 丹尼斯 好狗狗 -The bell! Hey! The bell! -No, no. Dennis. Dennis, good dog. 672 00:47:29,840 --> 00:47:30,909 -門鈴啊 -丹尼斯 -Hello, the bell! -Dennis... Dennis. 673 00:47:30,960 --> 00:47:32,075 -有人按門鈴了 -保持安靜 -Hey, hey, somebody. -Just... Just quiet. 674 00:47:32,200 --> 00:47:34,350 有人按門鈴了 There it goes again. Hey, hey, somebody at the door. 675 00:47:34,440 --> 00:47:36,158 我又做錯什麼了嗎 Oh, no, have i done something wrong again? 676 00:47:36,280 --> 00:47:38,236 保持安靜 明白了嗎 No, just... Just be quiet. Do you understand me? 677 00:47:39,400 --> 00:47:42,153 只要你不生我的氣就好 Yes. Yes, anything to stop you being angry with me. 678 00:47:42,240 --> 00:47:43,798 有人按門鈴了 The bell! There it goes again! 679 00:47:43,960 --> 00:47:45,075 嗨 Hey, hey, hey, hey! 680 00:47:45,120 --> 00:47:47,236 丹尼斯 聽著 Dennis, listen. Just listen, listen, listen, listen. 681 00:47:47,280 --> 00:47:49,157 保持安靜 這是命令 Be quiet. That is an order. 682 00:47:49,280 --> 00:47:51,430 好的 安靜 Right. Quiet. 683 00:47:51,480 --> 00:47:54,278 我喜歡服從命令 尤其是你的命令 i like obeying orders, especially your orders. 684 00:47:54,400 --> 00:47:57,153 好的 那就閉上你的狗嘴 Good. Well, then, shut the fuck up. 685 00:47:57,280 --> 00:47:59,748 好的 閉上狗嘴 Right, right. Shut the fuck up. Yeah, right. 686 00:48:03,120 --> 00:48:04,269 好孩子 Good boy. 687 00:48:08,960 --> 00:48:14,796 天啊 我讓她這麼主動 Oh, God, i made her do it. i made her do it... i... OK. (Clears throat) 688 00:48:16,000 --> 00:48:18,116 -嗨 -嗨 -Hi. -Hey. 689 00:48:18,160 --> 00:48:20,993 -我能進來嗎 -當然 -Can i come in? -Yes, yes, yes, yes, of course. 690 00:48:23,360 --> 00:48:27,114 -關於昨晚 -怎麼了 -So, look, um, about last night... -Yes. 691 00:48:27,200 --> 00:48:29,430 -你現在不方便嗎 -不 -is this a bad time? -No, no. No, no. 692 00:48:29,480 --> 00:48:31,436 我只是不想讓你認為 OK. Um, i just... i don't want you to think 693 00:48:31,480 --> 00:48:34,790 我是那種女人 that i, um, do that sort of thing all the time 694 00:48:34,840 --> 00:48:37,400 因為我確實不是 because... Because i don't. 695 00:48:37,480 --> 00:48:40,313 -我當時有點微醺 -這很正常 -Um... i was slightly drunk. -Yeah, well, i mean, naturally. 696 00:48:40,400 --> 00:48:42,311 而且我們還不一定做過 Otherwise we probably wouldn't have done the thing with the... 697 00:48:42,360 --> 00:48:43,998 -不 我不是那個意思 -什麼出格的事 -No, no, no, that's not what i mean. -...beard trimmer. 698 00:48:44,040 --> 00:48:48,033 我確實喜歡你 很喜歡和你聊天 i mean, i like you. i, um, i've always really enjoyed talking to you. 699 00:48:48,160 --> 00:48:51,550 我不該那麼直接的撲向你 i just... i probably wouldn't have jumped on you like that if i hadn't... 700 00:48:52,480 --> 00:48:56,029 -像個蠑螈一樣 -就是那樣 -Been pissed as a newt? -Well, sort of. 701 00:48:56,200 --> 00:48:58,953 沒事 我們忘記吧 就像從未發生過 Yeah, OK. Well, then, let's just forget it. it never... it never happened. 702 00:48:59,000 --> 00:49:00,797 不 尼爾 這不是我的意思 No, no, no, that's not what i'm saying, Neil. 703 00:49:01,360 --> 00:49:03,510 那你想幹嘛 Oh, well, um, what did you want, then? 704 00:49:04,200 --> 00:49:05,679 尼爾 上她 Shag her, Neil! 705 00:49:06,040 --> 00:49:07,632 那是丹尼斯 That's Dennis. 706 00:49:09,320 --> 00:49:12,198 -丹尼斯 -他是個水管工 -Dennis? -Yeah. He is a plumber. 707 00:49:12,240 --> 00:49:15,038 我的自來水管有些問題 Um, i'm having a few problems with my waterworks. My water pipes. 708 00:49:15,160 --> 00:49:16,354 尼爾 上她 Shag her, Neil! 709 00:49:17,840 --> 00:49:20,479 我最好趕緊過去 那是一種水管工用的特殊扳手 i'd better get him the shagger. it's a special wrench that plumbers use. 710 00:49:24,040 --> 00:49:25,359 我讓你閉上狗嘴 i thought i told you to shut up. 711 00:49:25,440 --> 00:49:27,590 抱歉 真的很抱歉 i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm really sorry, sorry. 712 00:49:27,720 --> 00:49:29,358 你應該是一個理智會思考的物種 You're supposed to be a rational, thinking creature. 713 00:49:29,440 --> 00:49:32,273 抱歉 控制不住自己 我還想蹭你的大腿 Sorry, sorry. Can't help myself. Sorry. Oh, dear. i wanna shag your leg. 714 00:49:32,400 --> 00:49:34,436 現在不是說真心話的時候 Shh. it's not a great time, to be honest. 715 00:49:34,560 --> 00:49:36,039 你要表現好的話就滿足你 Maybe later, if you behave. 716 00:49:36,080 --> 00:49:37,195 哦 Oh... 717 00:49:37,240 --> 00:49:41,677 找不到那種扳手 他只能用老的分離器了 Oh... Couldn't... Couldn't find the shagger, so he just went with the old decoupler. 718 00:49:41,720 --> 00:49:43,358 尼爾 我愛你 i love you, Neil! 719 00:49:43,400 --> 00:49:45,516 丹尼斯 閉嘴 Shut up, Dennis! 720 00:49:45,840 --> 00:49:48,035 很奇怪吧 讓一個水管工閉嘴 it's odd, isn't it, shouting at the plumber like that? 721 00:49:48,080 --> 00:49:51,516 但事實上 他是我的兄弟 這個水管工是我的兄弟 But, uh, the fact is he's my brother. The plumber is my brother. 722 00:49:51,560 --> 00:49:53,949 尼爾 說你也愛我 Say you love me, Neil. 723 00:49:54,080 --> 00:49:55,229 我們關係很好 And we're very close. 724 00:49:55,280 --> 00:49:57,396 -天啊 羅西說的對 -羅西 -God, Rosie was right. -Rosie? 725 00:49:57,520 --> 00:49:59,954 我能蹭你的大腿嗎 Please can i shag your leg? 726 00:50:00,440 --> 00:50:03,193 天啊 尼爾 你在隔天早上就幹這個 Jesus, Neil, how could you? The next morning! 727 00:50:03,440 --> 00:50:04,714 什麼 What? i... 728 00:50:04,880 --> 00:50:08,429 -我怎麼總遇見這些怪人 -我不是怪人 -Why do i always end up with creeps? -i'm not a creep! 729 00:50:08,480 --> 00:50:11,472 尼爾 這裏有隻貓 There was a cat, Neil! Neil! Hey, you, cat! 730 00:50:11,600 --> 00:50:14,398 離我的花園遠點 尼爾 是只薑黃色的小貓 Stay out of my garden, go on! Neil, it's a ginger tom! 731 00:50:16,080 --> 00:50:18,275 丹尼斯 變成一條蠢狗5分鐘 Dennis, be a dumb animal again for five minutes. 732 00:50:21,440 --> 00:50:23,396 她認為我是同性戀 So she thinks i'm gay. 733 00:50:23,440 --> 00:50:25,874 那又怎麼樣 i mean, so what, you know? 734 00:50:25,920 --> 00:50:29,117 反正她也不想嫁個我或者和我生孩子 i mean, it means that she won't want to marry me or have my kids. 735 00:50:30,120 --> 00:50:32,270 問題解決 Bingo. Problem solved. 736 00:50:33,120 --> 00:50:34,633 謝謝你 丹尼斯 Thank you, Dennis. 737 00:50:40,840 --> 00:50:42,114 凱瑟琳 Catherine! 738 00:50:45,840 --> 00:50:47,592 凱瑟琳 Catherine! 739 00:50:49,960 --> 00:50:52,155 讓我在公交車上 Um, me be on the bus. 740 00:50:54,920 --> 00:50:57,912 我不是說在車頂上 是在車裏 Ah! i don't mean on the bus. i mean in the bus. 741 00:51:00,360 --> 00:51:03,636 不是在引擎室 是在車廂裏 Not in the engine. in the passenger accommodation! 742 00:51:05,760 --> 00:51:07,318 哦 Ow! 743 00:51:10,480 --> 00:51:11,629 嘿 Hey! 744 00:51:12,600 --> 00:51:13,635 凱瑟琳 Catherine! 745 00:51:23,800 --> 00:51:25,472 凱瑟琳 Catherine! 746 00:51:25,840 --> 00:51:27,319 凱瑟琳 Catherine! 747 00:51:27,720 --> 00:51:28,835 哇 Whoa. 748 00:51:28,880 --> 00:51:30,950 -雷 -你要讓普林格爾女士停下 -Ray. -You've gotta stop Miss Pringle. 749 00:51:31,000 --> 00:51:33,719 她在整個學校佈滿了我的聖壇 She's... She's set up shrines all over the school. 750 00:51:33,840 --> 00:51:35,159 在網上也有 There's even a website. 751 00:51:35,320 --> 00:51:36,799 是你想讓她崇拜你的 Look, you wanted her to worship you, OK? 752 00:51:36,840 --> 00:51:38,831 -不是這樣崇拜 -雷 我現在沒時間 -Not like this. -Ray, i don't have time for this. 753 00:51:39,040 --> 00:51:40,837 等等 你的超能力沒消失吧 Wait, wait, wait. You haven't lost the powers, have you? 754 00:51:40,960 --> 00:51:43,190 -我的超能力沒消失 -你的超能力消失了 -No, i haven't lost the powers. Ray. -You have. You've lost the... 755 00:51:43,320 --> 00:51:44,355 -我的超能力沒消失 -那你就幫幫我 -i haven't lost the powers. -Do the thing. 756 00:51:44,400 --> 00:51:45,879 雷 變成個鴨子 Ray, become a duck. 757 00:51:48,880 --> 00:51:53,908 雷 冷靜點 變成一根香腸 Ray. Ray, stop it. Ray, stop it. Ray, stop it. Ray, become a sausage. 758 00:51:54,400 --> 00:51:58,188 -我的超能力沒消失 -尼爾 他在那 -i haven't lost the powers, Ray, OK? This is... -Where is he, Neil? 759 00:51:58,680 --> 00:52:01,035 這是他的車 Oh. That's his car. 760 00:52:01,360 --> 00:52:04,830 讚美這輛雷的汽車 Oh. Behold the car of Ray! 761 00:52:08,360 --> 00:52:11,158 -凱瑟琳 我們能談談嗎 -不 -Catherine, can we talk? -No. 762 00:52:11,200 --> 00:52:12,599 但是我愛你 But i love you. 763 00:52:12,720 --> 00:52:14,517 顯然你也愛丹尼斯 You also love Dennis, apparently. 764 00:52:14,560 --> 00:52:16,915 -你從店裏拿的嗎 -這是我自帶的 -Did you take that off there? -Uh, no, this is mine. 765 00:52:17,040 --> 00:52:18,393 -你的 -是的 -Yours? -Yeah. 766 00:52:18,520 --> 00:52:20,158 丹尼斯不是你想的那樣 Look, you've got it all wrong about Dennis. 767 00:52:20,240 --> 00:52:23,869 沒關係 你愛他 他愛你 i've nothing what so ever against Dennis. You love him, he loves you. 768 00:52:23,960 --> 00:52:26,030 祝福你們連個 但是不要捎帶上我 i'm happy for both of you. Just don't bring me into it. 769 00:52:26,240 --> 00:52:28,390 有些關於丹尼斯的事我要告訴你 Yeah, no, but there's something i need to tell you about Dennis. 770 00:52:28,440 --> 00:52:30,510 你碰了 就要買下來 You are going to have to pay for that now that you've touched it. 771 00:52:30,560 --> 00:52:32,152 -這是我自帶的 -不是 -it's mine! -No, it isn't. 772 00:52:32,240 --> 00:52:33,673 尼爾 我聽到你們倆說的話了 Look, i heard what you said to each other, Neil. 773 00:52:33,720 --> 00:52:35,995 有些關於丹尼斯很重要的事 你不知道 Yeah, look. There's something crucial about Dennis you don't know. 774 00:52:36,080 --> 00:52:37,069 -嘿 -它不是一個人 -Hey! -He's not a man. 775 00:52:37,200 --> 00:52:38,349 尼爾 我不想聽 i don't want to hear this, Neil. 776 00:52:38,480 --> 00:52:39,879 但就想我說的 它不是一個人 i know, but i'm just saying, he's not a man. 777 00:52:39,920 --> 00:52:41,751 我的天啊 Ow! Ah! Hell's tits! 778 00:52:41,880 --> 00:52:43,233 -變態 -哦 -You pervert! -Ow! 779 00:52:43,320 --> 00:52:44,753 你敢從我們店裏偷東西 You come in here and steal our stuff? 780 00:52:44,840 --> 00:52:45,875 我跟你說了 這不是你們店的 i told you, that's not your sausage. 781 00:52:45,920 --> 00:52:48,150 -這是我自帶的香腸 拿過來 -放手 -it is my sausage. Give it back. -Get off. Be careful, be careful. 782 00:52:48,240 --> 00:52:49,753 -放手 -天啊 -Just let go! -Oh, God! 783 00:52:49,840 --> 00:52:52,400 -給我80便士 -好吧 -Give me 80p. -Fine. 784 00:52:54,000 --> 00:52:56,036 -我給你找零錢 -不用了 -i'll just get your change. -No, it's... Never mind. it's... 785 00:52:56,080 --> 00:52:57,399 這是4.2英鎊 Well, no, cos it's $4.20. 786 00:52:57,440 --> 00:52:59,431 -別找了 -作為小費太多了 -Keep it. -it's too much for a tip. 787 00:52:59,560 --> 00:53:02,438 -隨你的便 -我也這麼想的 -Have it your way. -i should think so, too. Jesus. 788 00:53:04,600 --> 00:53:07,273 香腸變成雷 Feck. Sausage, become Ray. 789 00:53:07,920 --> 00:53:12,391 天啊 尼爾 你知道變成根香腸有多脆弱嗎 Jesus, Neil. Have you any idea how vulnerable a sausage feels? 790 00:53:12,680 --> 00:53:13,874 他在那 There he is! 791 00:53:15,440 --> 00:53:16,919 我先撤了 i'm off! 792 00:53:17,360 --> 00:53:19,749 -離我遠點 你們這些瘋子 -雷 -Leave me alone, you nutters! -Ray! Ray! 793 00:53:19,920 --> 00:53:22,388 找你的錢 你肯定餓了吧 Here you go. You must have been hungry. 794 00:53:25,440 --> 00:53:28,796 很顯然 他不知道怎樣做好事 it's clear he has no idea of doing any good what so ever. 795 00:53:29,040 --> 00:53:32,953 為什麼我們不能直接毀滅他們 Why can't we just get on with the destruction? 796 00:53:33,040 --> 00:53:35,110 莫林 因為我們要照章辦事 Because there are rules, Maureen. 797 00:53:35,200 --> 00:53:37,031 我們必須遵守銀河系理事會的章程 We must follow galactic procedure. 798 00:53:37,120 --> 00:53:41,796 珍妮特 章程也沒阻止了你吃掉G4378區的居民 Rules didn't stop you from eating the inhabitants of G4378, Janet! 799 00:53:41,920 --> 00:53:44,070 我記得他們很美味 嘎崩脆 They were delicious. Very crunchy, as i recall... 800 00:53:49,920 --> 00:53:51,638 -驚喜吧 -天啊 -Surprise, surprise! -Oh, my God! 801 00:53:51,760 --> 00:53:53,796 -不 -等等 凱瑟琳 -No! -Wait. Wait, wait. Catherine! 802 00:53:55,400 --> 00:53:56,389 你真是瘋了 You're crazy, do you know that? 803 00:53:56,600 --> 00:53:59,068 這是為愛瘋狂 Crazy in love, darlin'. 804 00:53:59,240 --> 00:54:01,117 離開我的房間 格蘭特 Get out of my flat, Grant. 805 00:54:01,160 --> 00:54:02,639 走不了啊 你已經把門鎖上了 Well, i can't because you've locked the door now, babe. 806 00:54:02,800 --> 00:54:04,597 你怎麼進來就怎麼出去吧 Well, then, get out the way you got in. 807 00:54:04,640 --> 00:54:07,837 別這樣好嗎 Oh, honey, come on, now. That ain't nice! 808 00:54:07,960 --> 00:54:11,157 出去 格蘭特 我再也不想看到你 Just get out, Grant. i never want to see you again! 809 00:54:11,280 --> 00:54:12,952 離開我的生活 Get out of my life! 810 00:54:13,000 --> 00:54:14,638 出去 Get out! 811 00:54:15,120 --> 00:54:17,236 快點開門吧 Come on, now, open the door. 812 00:54:17,320 --> 00:54:19,788 不好意思 Sorry. Sorry about the noise. 813 00:54:20,680 --> 00:54:22,352 至少不是狗叫 At least it wasn't barking. 814 00:54:22,440 --> 00:54:24,317 一邊去 不是說你 Feck off. Not you. 815 00:54:24,360 --> 00:54:25,873 -從前門出去 -親愛的 -Walk out the front door, OK? -Honey! 816 00:54:25,960 --> 00:54:27,871 然後偷偷回我這 Then sneak in the back. Make your way up to my place. No moves. 817 00:54:27,960 --> 00:54:30,428 -不會有什麼荒唐事發生 -讓愛增光添彩吧 -No, no, no funny business. -Come on. Let the love shine through. 818 00:54:30,520 --> 00:54:31,839 你可以遠離他 You can just stay out of his way 819 00:54:31,920 --> 00:54:33,831 -而我可以給你做晚飯 -要愛我 -and i will make you dinner. -Love me! 820 00:54:34,480 --> 00:54:36,198 -我討厭們 -好吧 -i hate doors! -All right. 821 00:54:36,320 --> 00:54:37,799 記得邀請丹尼斯 我們要表現得像個大人 But invite Dennis. We'll behave like grown-ups. 822 00:54:37,840 --> 00:54:39,512 -凱瑟琳 -好的 -Catherine? -OK. 823 00:54:39,640 --> 00:54:41,358 -凱瑟琳 回來 -我要走了 -Catherine, come back. -i'm leaving! 824 00:54:41,480 --> 00:54:45,632 等等我 我馬上出來 OK. i'm coming! Hold on. Wait for me, now. 825 00:54:48,280 --> 00:54:49,838 她要來吃晚飯 She's coming to dinner! 826 00:54:49,880 --> 00:54:52,269 這集是關於小狗的幻想 This episode looks at doggy fantasies. 827 00:54:52,360 --> 00:54:54,715 嗨 這才剛開始呢 Whoa. Hey! it was just about to start. 828 00:54:54,800 --> 00:54:56,870 她要來吃晚飯了 She's coming to dinner. 829 00:54:56,960 --> 00:54:59,315 -誰 -凱瑟琳 -Who? -Catherine. 830 00:54:59,360 --> 00:55:01,032 哦 那個娘們 Oh, the bitch. 831 00:55:01,160 --> 00:55:04,869 別那樣叫她 也不希望你瞎攙和 Don't call her that, all right? i don't want you chipping in, either, OK? 832 00:55:05,000 --> 00:55:06,831 再變成一隻蠢狗就好 Just pretend to be a dumb animal again. 833 00:55:07,240 --> 00:55:08,559 我變成一隻蠢狗 Me? A dumb animal? 834 00:55:08,720 --> 00:55:10,631 你知道如何假裝 對嗎 Yeah, well, you know how to pretend, don't you? 835 00:55:10,800 --> 00:55:12,199 就是表演 it's just... it's called acting. 836 00:55:12,240 --> 00:55:14,071 就像給我撓肚子一樣嗎 Oh, you mean like when i'm having my tummy tickled? 837 00:55:14,640 --> 00:55:17,712 -你喜歡我給你撓肚子 -我不喜歡 -You love having your tummy tickled. -No, i don't. 838 00:55:18,520 --> 00:55:21,080 -什麼 -是假的 沒有狗喜歡撓肚子 -What? -it's a sham, Neil. All dogs do it. 839 00:55:21,640 --> 00:55:25,030 -為什麼 -為什麼人類喜歡給狗撓肚子 -Why? -Why do humans like tickling dogs' tummies? 840 00:55:25,240 --> 00:55:26,992 因為狗喜歡被撓肚子 Because they love having their tummies tickled. 841 00:55:27,080 --> 00:55:31,358 狗因為人類喜歡撓它們的肚子 才假裝喜歡撓肚子 Uh-uh. Dogs pretend to like it because they know human beings like doing it. 842 00:55:32,240 --> 00:55:37,075 那你就假裝變成一條普通的狗 Well, just pretend to be a perfectly ordinary dog, OK? 843 00:55:37,240 --> 00:55:39,549 我能和你們聊會天嗎 Can't i join in the conversation just a little bit? 844 00:55:39,600 --> 00:55:42,910 -不 -真沒人性 -No. -That is so cruel. 845 00:55:44,600 --> 00:55:48,275 有人按門鈴了 Somebody at the door! Hey! Hey! it's the bell! it's the bell! it's the bell! it's the bell! 846 00:55:48,360 --> 00:55:50,749 -我知道 丹尼斯 -不好意思 -i know it's the bell, Dennis. -Right. No, no, sorry. 847 00:55:50,880 --> 00:55:54,395 你再出聲 我就給你按上滅蚤頸圈 Just one more peep out of you, OK, and the flea collar is going back on again. 848 00:55:55,080 --> 00:55:58,038 好的 不好意思 Right, right, right. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. 849 00:55:58,120 --> 00:55:59,348 來聲狗叫 Bark. 850 00:56:00,400 --> 00:56:01,594 汪 Woof. 851 00:56:02,120 --> 00:56:03,439 用正確的狗叫 Do it properly. 852 00:56:03,920 --> 00:56:06,957 就是這樣 Yeah, good. OK, thank you. 853 00:56:07,080 --> 00:56:08,513 來了 Got it. 854 00:56:10,040 --> 00:56:11,109 -嗨 -他走了嗎 -Hi. -Has he gone? 855 00:56:11,200 --> 00:56:12,553 我覺得沒有 No, i don't think so. 856 00:56:13,040 --> 00:56:14,871 -哦 -丹尼斯 坐下 -Ooh! -Dennis, down. 857 00:56:15,800 --> 00:56:18,268 你因為水管工才給它起的這個名字吧 You named him after the plumber, then, did you? 858 00:56:18,360 --> 00:56:19,759 呃 Uh... 859 00:56:21,240 --> 00:56:24,232 你想撓肚子嗎 Ah. Do you want your tummy tickled? 860 00:56:24,800 --> 00:56:27,234 為什麼狗都喜歡撓肚子 Why do dogs like that so much? 861 00:56:28,560 --> 00:56:30,039 我不清楚 i don't know. 862 00:56:34,880 --> 00:56:37,633 製作人承諾讓我調離綜合辦公室 So the producer promises to take me out of the general office 863 00:56:37,720 --> 00:56:40,154 給我一間風景優美的獨立辦公室 但其實 and give me a big desk with a view, but he won't. 864 00:56:40,480 --> 00:56:43,631 他只是想讓我上他的床 He's just trying to get me into bed. 865 00:56:46,240 --> 00:56:47,832 你想告訴我什麼 What did you want to tell me? 866 00:56:48,560 --> 00:56:50,312 先嘗嘗蔬菜湯 Uh, just try this first. 867 00:57:02,520 --> 00:57:03,589 嗯 Mmm. 868 00:57:06,160 --> 00:57:07,513 太棒了 Oh, that's incredible. 869 00:57:09,800 --> 00:57:13,270 這是我吃過最好吃的東西 That's the most wonderful thing i've ever tasted in my life. 870 00:57:16,000 --> 00:57:21,154 沒想到你有這麼棒的廚藝 Mmm. i had no idea you were such a fantastic cook. 871 00:57:21,200 --> 00:57:24,829 這是什麼 我從來沒吃過這種口味 i've... i've... it's unlike anything i've ever tasted. What is it? 872 00:57:25,560 --> 00:57:29,348 我只要說 讓湯變成凱瑟琳這輩子吃過最好吃的東西 i just said, "Let the soup be the most amazing thing Catherine has ever tasted, 873 00:57:29,480 --> 00:57:31,357 而且從來沒吃過這種口味 "unlike anything she's tasted before." 874 00:57:31,400 --> 00:57:34,836 -就完事了 -真的 -And it is. -Really? 875 00:57:34,880 --> 00:57:41,831 真的 我可以心想事成 Really. i can make things happen. Anything. 876 00:57:43,080 --> 00:57:44,991 這就是我今天早上想對你說的 That's what i was trying to tell you this morning, you know? 877 00:57:45,040 --> 00:57:47,315 我並不是和一個同性戀水管工說話 i wasn't talking to a live-in homosexual plumber. 878 00:57:47,400 --> 00:57:49,038 我是和丹尼斯說話 i was talking to Dennis. 879 00:57:49,880 --> 00:57:51,836 -這條狗 -丹尼斯的確是狗 -The dog? -Dennis the dog. 880 00:57:52,720 --> 00:57:57,396 -是誰回應你的 -是我讓它說話的 -Who answered you back? -Yeah, because i made him talk. 881 00:57:59,280 --> 00:58:01,555 -哦 -用我的超能力 -Oh. -With my powers. 882 00:58:03,080 --> 00:58:04,593 超能力 Special powers? 883 00:58:05,880 --> 00:58:08,348 你想要一間大辦公室 搞定 i mean, what, you... You want a bigger desk? You got it. 884 00:58:08,440 --> 00:58:10,237 還要風景優美 搞定 You want a great view? You got it. 885 00:58:11,240 --> 00:58:15,916 尼爾 你有超能力多久了 Um... Neil, how long have you had these special powers? 886 00:58:16,560 --> 00:58:18,357 來的很突然 Well, they came upon me very suddenly. 887 00:58:18,440 --> 00:58:21,750 -很突然 -我當時被車撞了 -Very suddenly? -Yeah, i was knocked off my bike. 888 00:58:22,400 --> 00:58:23,753 告訴我你想要的任何東西 Just ask me to do something, anything. 889 00:58:23,800 --> 00:58:27,076 -隻要是你想要的 -尼爾沒關係的 -Just, you know... -Listen, Neil, it's... it's OK. 890 00:58:27,800 --> 00:58:29,199 按時吃藥 病還能好 You can get help with this. 891 00:58:29,280 --> 00:58:30,759 混蛋 Son of a bitch! 892 00:58:30,960 --> 00:58:32,109 哦 Oh! 893 00:58:32,400 --> 00:58:33,799 你來幹什麼 Shit, Grant! 894 00:58:33,920 --> 00:58:35,069 我先撤了 i'm out of here! 895 00:58:35,240 --> 00:58:37,595 -你還說心裏沒別人 -他是誰 -There's nobody else, huh? -Who is this guy? 896 00:58:37,640 --> 00:58:39,915 她沒告你你嗎 我是她未婚夫 She didn't tell you? i'm her fiance. 897 00:58:39,960 --> 00:58:41,632 -你不是我未婚夫 -是嗎 -You're not my fiance, Grant. -Oh, yeah? 898 00:58:41,760 --> 00:58:44,069 你竟然對這種挫男投懷送抱 And you weren't just making out with this apology of a man? 899 00:58:44,120 --> 00:58:45,394 別這樣 Stop this. 900 00:58:45,560 --> 00:58:47,391 你知道你能在戰場上存活多久嗎 You know how long you'd last on a battlefield, soldier? 901 00:58:47,440 --> 00:58:48,589 尼爾 很抱歉 i'm sorry, Neil. 902 00:58:48,640 --> 00:58:50,710 -就這麼短 -我警告你 -That long. -i'm warning you. 903 00:58:51,120 --> 00:58:53,588 -你警告我 -是的 我警告你 -You're warning me? -Yeah, i'm warning you. 904 00:58:53,640 --> 00:58:55,232 這是誰啊 Who is this guy? 905 00:58:55,320 --> 00:58:57,231 -再囂張啊 -格蘭特 -Why don't you suck on this, asshole? -Grant! 906 00:58:57,560 --> 00:59:00,438 我沒說什麼啊 All i have to do is go like this and... And say what? 907 00:59:00,480 --> 00:59:03,790 -你從哪找的這娘娘腔 -格蘭特 放下槍 -Where did you find this fruitcake? -Put that away, Grant. 908 00:59:03,920 --> 00:59:06,070 我能說什麼 讓格朗特變成僊女嗎 Uh, what can i say? Grant, become a fairy? 909 00:59:06,160 --> 00:59:08,628 是格蘭特 不是格朗特 it's Grant, not... (British accent)...Grant. 910 00:59:08,760 --> 00:59:10,716 -別這樣 -你才是僊女 -Stop it. -And you're the goddamn fairy. 911 00:59:10,880 --> 00:59:12,757 要不讓格朗特哪來的回哪去吧 How about Grant go back to where you came from? 912 00:59:12,800 --> 00:59:15,189 -是格蘭特 -要不親我屁股吧 格朗特 -it's Grant. -How about kiss my arse, Grant? 913 00:59:15,320 --> 00:59:16,958 尼爾 他瘋了 Neil, don't. He's crazy. 914 00:59:17,040 --> 00:59:20,635 要不你說 格蘭特 請你別打爆我的腦袋 How about you say, "Please, Grant, don't put a bullet through my brain?" 915 00:59:20,720 --> 00:59:24,599 -格蘭特 別這樣 -我更想說 我有反彈能力 -Grant, stop it! -i prefer, "Let all bullets bounce off me." 916 00:59:24,800 --> 00:59:28,429 -開槍吧 -你倆都瘋了 -Go on, shoot me. -Oh, my God. You're both crazy. 917 00:59:28,480 --> 00:59:30,550 -他沒膽子 -尼爾 別這樣 -He doesn't dare. -Neil, please, please. 918 00:59:30,640 --> 00:59:33,234 格朗特 有本事開槍啊 Go on, pull the trigger. What's the matter, "Grant"? 919 00:59:33,320 --> 00:59:34,639 -閉嘴 -開槍啊 -Shut up. -Go on, shoot me. 920 00:59:34,840 --> 00:59:36,273 -他會開槍的 -他不會 -Neil, he will. -No, he won't. 921 00:59:36,320 --> 00:59:39,278 -我會的 -你不會 格朗特扔掉槍 -Yes, i will. -No, you won't. Grant, drop the gun. 922 00:59:39,320 --> 00:59:41,311 你這混蛋 You little shit! 923 00:59:43,160 --> 00:59:44,957 你兩個都是白癡 You're idiots, both of you. 924 00:59:45,000 --> 00:59:46,069 我要是你就不這樣做 i wouldn't do this if i were you. 925 00:59:46,160 --> 00:59:47,149 我要是你就不這樣做 "i wouldn't do this if i were you." 926 00:59:47,280 --> 00:59:48,395 真討厭英國腔 God, i hate the English. 927 00:59:53,520 --> 00:59:55,988 如果格朗特再掐我 就讓他的手臂斷掉 Let Grant's arm break if he tries to throttle me. 928 00:59:56,120 --> 00:59:57,758 閉嘴 是格蘭特 Shut up. it's Grant! 929 00:59:57,840 --> 00:59:59,671 哦 Oh! 930 01:00:00,000 --> 01:00:01,592 救命 Help! Help! Help! 931 01:00:01,680 --> 01:00:02,829 是誰說話 Who the heck was that? 932 01:00:02,920 --> 01:00:04,990 是丹尼斯 Uh, that's Dennis. 933 01:00:05,160 --> 01:00:06,195 嗷 Ow. 934 01:00:09,520 --> 01:00:14,674 就是條狗 你這英國佬 it's just a dog! English dick. 935 01:00:15,520 --> 01:00:19,115 -嗷 我的手臂怎麼了 -斷掉了 -Ow! Ow... Shit! Shit! What happened? -Yeah, yeah. 936 01:00:19,200 --> 01:00:21,714 -你想不疼了嗎 -疼死了 -Do you want me to make it better? -(Groaning) it hurts. 937 01:00:21,800 --> 01:00:23,472 格朗特手臂恢復如初 Grant's arm be better. 938 01:00:26,640 --> 01:00:29,200 這是什麼鬼 Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Hey, what is this? 939 01:00:30,040 --> 01:00:31,996 讓格朗特吸在天花板上 Grant be stuck on the ceiling. 940 01:00:32,200 --> 01:00:33,553 見鬼 Oh, shit! 941 01:00:33,680 --> 01:00:34,795 讓格朗特貼在牆上 Grant be plastered to the wall. 942 01:00:35,960 --> 01:00:38,155 等等 我們好好談談 Wait, wait, wait. Let's talk about this. 943 01:00:38,200 --> 01:00:40,509 讓格朗特來個頭栽蔥 Grant be buried head first in the plant pot. 944 01:00:40,560 --> 01:00:42,039 什麼頭栽蔥 What do you mean, potted plant? 945 01:00:44,720 --> 01:00:46,870 格朗特站在我面前 Grant be standing in front of me. 946 01:00:51,400 --> 01:00:54,392 格朗特 你最好老實點 Yeah. You wanna be nice to me, Grant, OK? 947 01:00:54,480 --> 01:00:55,674 這樣就能好好談談了 Maybe i can help you. 948 01:00:55,920 --> 01:01:00,391 -你 -我可以讓你生不如死 -You? -i could make your life absolutely hell 949 01:01:00,520 --> 01:01:03,239 或者可以讓你手捧百萬美金 or i could say, "Grant be holding a million dollars." 950 01:01:06,920 --> 01:01:10,037 太好了 Oh, yeah! 951 01:01:10,160 --> 01:01:12,674 也可以讓百萬美金消失 Or i could say, "A million dollars, disappear." 952 01:01:13,520 --> 01:01:14,589 別這樣 Fuck! Come on! 953 01:01:15,920 --> 01:01:19,435 我只要揮揮手就可以為所欲為 i can do anything. All i have to do is wave my hand. 954 01:01:20,440 --> 01:01:22,670 -揮揮手就行 -是的 -You gotta wave your hand? -That's right. 955 01:01:23,240 --> 01:01:25,913 他很棒吧 我愛你主人 isn't he great? i love you. i love you so much. 956 01:01:26,000 --> 01:01:28,355 -丹尼斯 你別瞎摻和 -但你確實很棒主人 -Dennis, keep out of this. -But you are great, Neil. 957 01:01:28,520 --> 01:01:30,715 -你可以為所欲為 -閉嘴 -You can do anything. -Dennis, shut up. i'm not... 958 01:01:30,760 --> 01:01:32,876 主人 Master! Neil! 959 01:01:40,680 --> 01:01:44,355 -決定好了嗎 -要不就今晚 -Hi. Made your mind up yet? -How about tonight? 960 01:01:44,800 --> 01:01:46,438 真是個懂事的姑娘 晚上八點去我家 Good girl. 8:.00, my place. 961 01:01:46,560 --> 01:01:48,949 反正也找不到好男人 Yeah. i always pick the wrong guy, anyway. 962 01:01:49,080 --> 01:01:52,436 我給你換辦公室了 Oh, and, uh, i got you a new desk. 963 01:02:28,480 --> 01:02:29,549 嘿 Hey! 964 01:02:29,680 --> 01:02:35,118 是時候了 當我把那個口塞球拿走以後 Well, it's about time. Now, listen up. When i take that gag out of your mouth, 965 01:02:35,160 --> 01:02:38,311 你要準確的說出那張紙上的願望 you're going to say exactly what's on that piece of paper, you understand? 966 01:02:38,480 --> 01:02:44,112 你說錯一個字 我就殺了這條狗 The moment you say a word that is not on that piece of paper, i kill the dog. 967 01:02:45,160 --> 01:02:46,639 別讓他殺我 Don't let him shoot me, Neil. 968 01:02:46,760 --> 01:02:48,512 點頭示意你明白了 Understand? Nod if you understand. 969 01:02:50,920 --> 01:02:57,473 我要把口塞球拿走了 記住 說錯一個字 OK. OK. i'm going to take the gag out now. Remember, one wrong word 970 01:02:58,960 --> 01:03:00,678 我就殺了這條狗 and the dog gets it. 971 01:03:02,880 --> 01:03:09,353 快點說一號項目 OK, read. item number one, let's go. Come on. 972 01:03:09,520 --> 01:03:12,114 一號項目 所有英國佬 "item number one.All pasty white Englishmen... 973 01:03:12,200 --> 01:03:15,033 所有英國佬男人長出大耳朵 和生蹼的腳 "Pasty white Englishmen to get big ears and webbed feet?" 974 01:03:18,720 --> 01:03:21,029 -現在揮揮手 -什麼 -Now wave your hand. -What? 975 01:03:21,120 --> 01:03:22,712 揮揮手 Wave your hand! 976 01:03:22,880 --> 01:03:24,632 哦 Oh! 977 01:03:27,400 --> 01:03:29,675 真美啊 Yes! Yes! Oh, it's beautiful. 978 01:03:39,160 --> 01:03:42,152 尼爾 Neil! Neil! 979 01:03:50,240 --> 01:03:51,559 尼爾 Neil? 980 01:04:01,360 --> 01:04:02,873 尼爾 Neil? 981 01:04:09,920 --> 01:04:11,069 哦 Oh! 982 01:04:12,280 --> 01:04:13,429 你不崇拜我對吧 You don't worship me, do you? 983 01:04:13,560 --> 01:04:17,235 什麼 你是雷 What? Ray. You're Ray. 984 01:04:19,200 --> 01:04:20,758 -我找不到尼爾 -他不在這嗎 -i can't find Neil. -isn't he here? 985 01:04:21,240 --> 01:04:22,355 他也沒在學校 He wasn't at school, either. 986 01:04:22,440 --> 01:04:25,079 我把他和我的瘋狗前男友留在一起了 Oh, i left him with my crazy, gun-toting ex-boyfriend. 987 01:04:26,280 --> 01:04:28,350 -尼爾有超能力 -我知道 -Neil's got these powers. -No, i know, i know. 988 01:04:28,440 --> 01:04:29,509 哦 Oh. 989 01:04:29,600 --> 01:04:33,434 他讓普林格爾女士崇拜我 現在她都創立宗教了 He got Miss Pringle to... To worship me and now she's turned me into a religion. 990 01:04:33,880 --> 01:04:35,950 -他們認為我是神 -那又怎樣 -They think i'm immortal. -So what? 991 01:04:36,720 --> 01:04:39,712 他們想讓我用起死回生來證明 They want me to prove it by rising from the dead. 992 01:04:41,360 --> 01:04:42,759 我們要找到尼爾 We've got to find Neil. 993 01:04:43,960 --> 01:04:45,598 等等 Wait. 994 01:04:47,400 --> 01:04:49,630 嗨 Hey! Hey! 995 01:04:50,120 --> 01:04:51,633 你在幹嘛 What are you doing? 996 01:04:54,480 --> 01:04:55,913 不 No... 997 01:04:57,040 --> 01:04:58,109 找到了 Got it. 998 01:04:58,800 --> 01:05:00,313 -你的車在哪 -怎麼了 -Where's your car? -Why? 999 01:05:00,400 --> 01:05:01,594 我知道他們在哪了 i know where they are. 1000 01:05:04,480 --> 01:05:06,994 車就在這 糟糕 it's just out here. We can... Shit! 1001 01:05:07,640 --> 01:05:08,834 主啊 Lord. 1002 01:05:08,920 --> 01:05:10,433 快跑吧 Oh, no. Run for it! 1003 01:05:11,840 --> 01:05:14,673 快去追上主 Get him! Lord! 1004 01:05:16,560 --> 01:05:17,788 耶 Yeah! 1005 01:05:17,960 --> 01:05:21,077 幹的不錯 繼續讀三號項目 This is working beautifully. OK, keep going. Number three. Let's go. 1006 01:05:21,520 --> 01:05:27,516 三號項目 所有英國警察都穿粉色制服 OK. "Three. All British police to have pink uniforms." 1007 01:05:27,640 --> 01:05:29,596 這是我個人最喜歡的 My personal favourite. 1008 01:05:32,000 --> 01:05:33,752 雷 Ray! 1009 01:05:34,000 --> 01:05:36,468 主啊 回到我們身邊 Lord! Come to us! 1010 01:05:37,760 --> 01:05:40,513 雷 Ray! Ray! 1011 01:05:45,480 --> 01:05:46,993 什麼情況 What's this all about? 1012 01:05:51,640 --> 01:05:52,868 趕緊換衣服 Take that off! 1013 01:06:01,680 --> 01:06:02,715 他在那 There he is! 1014 01:06:33,640 --> 01:06:38,555 真妖艷啊 Oh! Oh... Oh, it's beautiful. 1015 01:06:38,680 --> 01:06:40,398 難以置信啊 繼續下一條吧 i can't believe it. All right, next one. 1016 01:06:40,440 --> 01:06:42,112 快點讀出來 Come on, read. 1017 01:06:42,200 --> 01:06:45,192 所有信號燈永遠變成綠色 "Let all traffic lights be permanently set on green." 1018 01:06:45,400 --> 01:06:46,753 這真是 Come on. That's just... 1019 01:06:46,880 --> 01:06:49,314 嘿 Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey. 1020 01:06:49,440 --> 01:06:51,556 快點揮手 Huh? Do it, do it. 1021 01:06:55,440 --> 01:06:56,919 等等 先聽著 Wait. Now, listen. 1022 01:07:07,560 --> 01:07:09,039 好吧 All right. 1023 01:07:13,640 --> 01:07:15,232 格蘭特 你在裏面嗎 Grant, are you in there? 1024 01:07:15,960 --> 01:07:19,157 快點 直接讀最後一條 Skip to the end. Hurry up. Just skip to the end! 1025 01:07:20,040 --> 01:07:24,033 快點 直接讀最後一條 Skip to the end. Just... There. Come on, quick. Read it. 1026 01:07:24,120 --> 01:07:27,999 第417號項目 凱瑟琳 韋斯特 Uh, uh... OK, OK, "item 41 7, Catherine West..." 1027 01:07:28,320 --> 01:07:29,355 -快點 -好的 -Come on. -All right. 1028 01:07:30,320 --> 01:07:31,992 格蘭特 放開他們 Let them go, Grant. 1029 01:07:32,080 --> 01:07:35,516 為什麼 尼爾 快點讀出最後一條項目 Why should i? Go on, Neil. Read the last item. 1030 01:07:36,280 --> 01:07:41,718 第417號項目 凱瑟琳 韋斯特會瘋狂的愛上格蘭特 卡柴夫上校 "item 41 7, Catherine West be madly, deeply in love with Colonel Grant Kotchev 1031 01:07:42,280 --> 01:07:44,714 像頭發情的母熊一樣 "and leap on him like a tigress begging for sex." 1032 01:07:47,120 --> 01:07:50,032 -你這混蛋 -快點揮手 -You bastard. -Now, come on, now. 1033 01:07:50,120 --> 01:07:51,439 快點揮手 Wave your hand. Come on. 1034 01:07:51,520 --> 01:07:53,636 -尼爾 別這樣 -我要殺狗了 -Neil, don't! -Or the dog gets it! 1035 01:07:53,720 --> 01:07:54,994 別讓他殺我 Don't let him shoot me, Neil. 1036 01:07:55,080 --> 01:07:56,433 趕緊揮手 Come on, wave your goddamn hand! 1037 01:07:56,560 --> 01:07:59,199 但我不愛他 我都不想靠近他 But i don't want to love him, Neil. i don't want to go anywhere near him. 1038 01:07:59,280 --> 01:08:00,838 我不想死 i don't wanna die. 1039 01:08:02,680 --> 01:08:04,238 耶 Yeah. 1040 01:08:04,800 --> 01:08:09,715 格蘭特 我愛你 我們嘿嘿嘿吧 Grant, i love you. Please, please, let's have sex now. 1041 01:08:09,800 --> 01:08:11,153 太好了 Oh, yeah. 1042 01:08:14,280 --> 01:08:15,395 丹尼斯 鬆綁 Dennis, be free. 1043 01:08:15,480 --> 01:08:17,072 我自由了 i'm free! i'm free! 1044 01:08:17,160 --> 01:08:18,275 快點 Please. 1045 01:08:20,320 --> 01:08:21,594 -格朗特變成柯基犬 -什麼 -Grant become a corgi! -What? 1046 01:08:21,680 --> 01:08:22,954 糟糕 Oh, shit. 1047 01:08:23,080 --> 01:08:24,229 格蘭特 快點吧 Do it. Do it, Grant. 1048 01:08:25,320 --> 01:08:26,992 快點吧 Do it, do it! 1049 01:08:27,560 --> 01:08:28,879 給我鬆綁 Me be free. 1050 01:08:29,680 --> 01:08:32,148 太好了 主人 Yes, yes! Master. 1051 01:08:32,240 --> 01:08:34,151 -是的 -你對我比對那娘們還好 -Yeah. -You chose to save me rather than that bitch. 1052 01:08:34,240 --> 01:08:37,676 別那麼叫她 凱瑟琳變回原來的自己 Yeah, don't call her that. Catherine be her normal self and not in love with Grant. 1053 01:08:39,120 --> 01:08:40,155 呃 Ugh! 1054 01:08:41,640 --> 01:08:43,756 格朗特的所有項目全部取消 And all Grant's wishes be cancelled. 1055 01:08:48,840 --> 01:08:49,875 -雷 -糟糕 -(Miss Pringle) Ray! -(Neil) Oh, shit. 1056 01:08:49,960 --> 01:08:51,678 放開我 Oh, no. Get off me! 1057 01:08:51,760 --> 01:08:52,795 尼爾 快阻止他們 Neil, stop them! 1058 01:08:52,880 --> 01:08:55,394 主啊 請向我們展示戰勝死亡的神跡 Lord, show us how to conquer death! 1059 01:08:55,480 --> 01:08:57,994 桃樂茜 普林格爾 變回原來的你 Dorothy Pringle, think about Ray the way that you used to. 1060 01:09:01,280 --> 01:09:04,636 -雷 你幹了什麼 -跟我沒關係啊 -What the hell, Ray? -(Ray) it was nothing to do with me. 1061 01:09:05,200 --> 01:09:07,395 滾一邊去 怪咖 Get lost, you creep! 1062 01:09:07,560 --> 01:09:10,233 -謝謝 -所有人忘記雷 -(Ray) Thank you. -Everyone else, forget about Ray. 1063 01:09:12,840 --> 01:09:15,479 太謝謝你了 尼爾 Thanks, Neil. Thanks a whole bunch. 1064 01:09:18,760 --> 01:09:20,318 雷 你能帶我回家嗎 Ray, could you take me home, please? 1065 01:09:20,400 --> 01:09:21,833 好的 Sure. 1066 01:09:23,640 --> 01:09:25,870 我很抱歉 i'm... i'm sorry... 1067 01:09:29,720 --> 01:09:31,517 有想法嗎 Any thoughts? 1068 01:09:32,120 --> 01:09:36,432 -可憐蟲 -他對善惡沒有概念 -Pathetic! -He has no concept of good or evil. 1069 01:09:36,920 --> 01:09:39,150 不過這些狗倒是不錯 Well, the dogs seem all right. 1070 01:09:39,680 --> 01:09:43,958 這些狗是不錯 我就不是不理解這些人類 Yes, yes, the dogs are all right. it's the people i can't stand. 1071 01:10:07,000 --> 01:10:09,355 嗨 凱瑟琳 Oh, hey. Catherine, hi. 1072 01:10:09,440 --> 01:10:12,477 那晚很抱歉 我能給你做頓晚飯嗎 Hey, sorry about the other night. it was... Can i cook you supper? 1073 01:10:12,600 --> 01:10:14,989 -不用 尼爾 -我可以給你烤只乳豬 -Uh, no, thanks, Neil. -i'm doing a whole suckling pig. 1074 01:10:15,080 --> 01:10:17,036 -不 -到底怎麼了 -No. -Hey, what's the matter? 1075 01:10:17,520 --> 01:10:19,431 是不是我讓你撲向格朗特的緣故 is it because i made you throw yourself at Grant? 1076 01:10:19,600 --> 01:10:23,752 你做了你該做的 沒事了 No. Look, you did what you had to do. it worked. Forgotten. 1077 01:10:24,080 --> 01:10:25,911 到底怎麼了 Well, what is it, then? 1078 01:10:26,520 --> 01:10:28,750 你知道被人控制的感覺嗎 Do you know what it feels like to be in someone else's power? 1079 01:10:28,880 --> 01:10:30,359 完全沒有意識 To have no will of your own? 1080 01:10:30,760 --> 01:10:34,514 我以為你愛上我 Look, i thought that i made you love me. 1081 01:10:35,000 --> 01:10:37,434 -什麼 -是因為我的超能力 -What? -You know, with my powers. 1082 01:10:39,200 --> 01:10:40,713 天啊 Oh, my God. 1083 01:10:42,160 --> 01:10:45,357 我今晚早回家 是我自己想的還是你用超能力了 Did i really come home early tonight because i wanted to or did you make me? 1084 01:10:45,800 --> 01:10:48,268 我到底一直住在這裏 還是你搞的鬼 Have i always lived opposite you or have you somehow rearranged things? 1085 01:10:50,200 --> 01:10:52,156 -我永遠不會知道 -我愛你 -i'm never going to know. -Look, i love you. 1086 01:10:52,240 --> 01:10:55,312 有哪個女人會愛上一個能對她為所欲為的男人 How could any woman love a man who could make her do whatever he wants, 1087 01:10:55,400 --> 01:10:57,834 而且是每時每刻直到永遠 any second, every day, forever? 1088 01:10:58,960 --> 01:11:02,396 抱歉 尼爾 我永遠都不會愛你 Look, i'm sorry, Neil, i could never love you, not in a million years. 1089 01:11:02,480 --> 01:11:04,118 凱瑟琳 Oh! Catherine... 1090 01:11:10,800 --> 01:11:13,473 莎倫 壞消息 Sharon, Sharon, terrible news! 1091 01:11:13,880 --> 01:11:15,552 確實是個壞消息 This is indeed grave news. 1092 01:11:15,640 --> 01:11:18,279 似乎好人加特 it appears that the Salubrious Gat has been 1093 01:11:18,360 --> 01:11:20,954 干擾了我們的翻譯設備 interfering with our translation devices. 1094 01:11:21,160 --> 01:11:22,559 莎倫 他做了什麼 What's he done, Sharon? 1095 01:11:22,840 --> 01:11:25,400 珍妮特 恐怕我們一直再用一些 i'm afraid, Janet, that we have been calling ourselves 1096 01:11:25,480 --> 01:11:28,995 地球人愚蠢的名字稱呼自己 by foolish-sounding earthling names. 1097 01:11:30,080 --> 01:11:31,832 而且還是女性的名字 Female ones, at that. 1098 01:11:32,040 --> 01:11:38,798 似乎地球上澳大利亞的女人對莎倫這個名字情有獨鍾 it seems that Sharon is particularly favoured among female earthlings from Australia 1099 01:11:38,880 --> 01:11:40,154 太丟人了 The shame of it. 1100 01:11:40,360 --> 01:11:44,148 莎倫 我們該稱呼你什麼 Sharon... i mean, what should we be calling you? 1101 01:11:44,600 --> 01:11:48,559 叫我暗黑死神 Call me the Death-Dealing Darkness-Bringer. 1102 01:11:48,640 --> 01:11:50,915 遵命 死神 Yes, oh, Death-Dealer. 1103 01:11:51,160 --> 01:11:54,755 主人 華夫餅不錯 Great waffles, master. 1104 01:11:55,280 --> 01:11:56,759 誰在乎華夫餅 Who cares about waffles? 1105 01:11:56,840 --> 01:12:01,550 凱瑟琳討厭我 雷討厭我 所有人都討厭我 Catherine hates me. Ray hates me. Everybody hates me. 1106 01:12:01,960 --> 01:12:04,155 我不討厭你 而且我在乎華夫餅 i don't hate you and i care about waffles. 1107 01:12:04,480 --> 01:12:06,948 我覺得即使是果醬餅乾也比不上華夫餅 i think i like them even more than biscuits, even red biscuits. 1108 01:12:07,040 --> 01:12:09,634 你知道最糟的是什麼嗎 這全是我的錯 You know what the worse thing is, Dennis? This is all my fault. 1109 01:12:09,760 --> 01:12:10,875 嗯 Mmm-hmm? 1110 01:12:10,960 --> 01:12:13,679 我一直在想自己用超能力 You know, i was just thinking about myself, what i could get. 1111 01:12:13,760 --> 01:12:16,911 能得到什麼 And yet with these powers, you know, 1112 01:12:17,000 --> 01:12:19,355 我可以用超能力解決世界上所有問題 i could have solved every problem in the world. 1113 01:12:19,480 --> 01:12:22,916 -我可以讓所有人快來 -你沒讓凱瑟琳快樂 -i could have made people happy. -You couldn't make Catherine happy. 1114 01:12:23,000 --> 01:12:27,039 那是因為我想讓她愛上我 我太自私了 Yeah, because i wanted her to love me. You know, i was being selfish. 1115 01:12:27,120 --> 01:12:30,157 比如說世界飢餓問題 i mean, take world hunger, You know? Uh... 1116 01:12:30,400 --> 01:12:32,868 讓每個人都能吃飽喝足 Let everybody in the world have as much food as they want. 1117 01:12:36,360 --> 01:12:39,875 比如說流浪漢問題 讓每個人居有定所 i mean, take homelessness. Let everybody in the world have somewhere to live. 1118 01:12:40,080 --> 01:12:42,230 不 讓每個人能住上他們想要的房子 No, no, no, live in their dream house. 1119 01:12:42,520 --> 01:12:46,559 無意義的戰爭問題 全部結束 And war, senseless war, over forever. 1120 01:12:46,640 --> 01:12:49,916 讓每個人都沒有任何戰爭的理由和借口 Let there be no reason for anyone to make war on anyone any more. 1121 01:12:50,040 --> 01:12:51,871 耶 Yay! (Yelps) 1122 01:12:52,160 --> 01:12:54,151 還有逆轉全球變暖的趨勢 Oh, and reverse global warming. 1123 01:12:55,000 --> 01:12:56,399 都發生了嗎 Has it happened? 1124 01:13:01,480 --> 01:13:04,597 世界各國發生多起神秘事件 The latest nation to succumb to the sudden mysterious 1125 01:13:04,680 --> 01:13:07,797 天朝食物供應量位居世界前列 exponential growth in world food supplies is China, 1126 01:13:07,880 --> 01:13:11,031 平均300磅體重的人口持續增加 where the average weight is now 300 pounds and rising. 1127 01:13:11,120 --> 01:13:14,510 野外聚餐的學生 Well, today a party of picnicking schoolchildren brought down 1128 01:13:14,600 --> 01:13:17,876 長度超過一英里 a mile-long section of the Great Wall of China. 1129 01:13:17,960 --> 01:13:20,394 流浪漢問題已成為歷史 As homelessness becomes a thing of the past, 1130 01:13:20,480 --> 01:13:23,233 最不發達的撒哈拉沙漠地區 the last undeveloped area of the Sahara Desert 1131 01:13:23,320 --> 01:13:26,676 現在成為宜居的社區 has become a gated community known as Beau Geste Towers. 1132 01:13:26,760 --> 01:13:29,354 南極洲正在進行土地開發建設 Property developers are now converging on Antarctica. 1133 01:13:29,440 --> 01:13:32,637 -至少我讓世界和平了 -這點不錯 -Well, i mean, at least i got rid of war. -Whoa, that was a good one. 1134 01:13:33,360 --> 01:13:34,793 讓每個人都沒有戰爭的理由 "Let there be no reason to make war..." 1135 01:13:34,880 --> 01:13:36,677 讓每個人都沒有戰爭的理由 -"T o make war on anyone any more." -"...on anyone any more." 1136 01:13:36,760 --> 01:13:38,637 這能有什麼錯 How could that go wrong? 1137 01:13:38,720 --> 01:13:42,156 沒有任何理由地 新西蘭對冰島宣戰 For no reason at all, New Zealand has declared war on Iceland. 1138 01:13:42,240 --> 01:13:43,468 天啊 Oh, wow. Oh, dear. 1139 01:13:43,640 --> 01:13:47,553 巴巴多斯沒有任何理由地對索馬裏宣戰 Barbados has declared war on Somalia. And in a surprise move, 1140 01:13:47,640 --> 01:13:52,509 聖基茨和尼維斯小島國沒有任何理由地對全世界宣戰 the tiny island of St Kitts and Nevis has declared war on the entire rest of the world. 1141 01:13:52,600 --> 01:13:55,114 我們的戰地記者現在無法發表評論 Our war correspondent says he is unavailable for comment 1142 01:13:55,240 --> 01:13:59,233 因為他正奔走於各地爆發戰爭的地方 because he 's too busy covering all the other wars which have just broken out 1143 01:13:59,320 --> 01:14:01,675 而且都是毫無理由的戰爭 for no reason at all. 1144 01:14:01,760 --> 01:14:06,595 不久前 科學家們對全球氣候變暖的趨勢表示擔憂 A short time ago, scientists were afraid of constantly rising global temperatures. 1145 01:14:06,680 --> 01:14:08,989 -但是他們對突然逆轉的氣候現象 -天啊 -But none of them have any explanation... -Oh, my God. 1146 01:14:09,080 --> 01:14:11,036 -沒有任何解釋 -全球變暖問題 -... for this sudden return... -Global warming. 1147 01:14:11,120 --> 01:14:17,673 不是說地球進入冰河時期 而是變成5億年前的雪球地球 ... not only to the last ice age but to a snowball Earth of half a billion years ago. 1148 01:14:18,360 --> 01:14:23,593 另一方面 南極洲推遲建立名為 On the other hand, plans to turn the Antarctic into the Captain Scott gated community 1149 01:14:24,120 --> 01:14:25,599 -史葛船長的宜居社區的計劃 -糟糕 -have been put on hold... -Shit! 1150 01:14:25,680 --> 01:14:29,434 -糟糕 -做好事真不容易 -Shit, shit, shit! -Oh, it's not so easy trying to do good, is it? 1151 01:14:29,560 --> 01:14:31,551 真不公平 Yeah, but this is just unfair. 1152 01:14:32,480 --> 01:14:34,869 讓所有的一切回歸正軌 Let everything go back to how it was before i started trying to make 1153 01:14:34,960 --> 01:14:36,552 讓每個人都開心快樂 everything better for everybody. 1154 01:14:37,480 --> 01:14:40,153 從太空看地球真美 Beautiful though the Earth looks from space, 1155 01:14:40,240 --> 01:14:44,995 我們都知道它很脆弱 也知道人類給它的傷害 we all know how fragile it is, how much damage human beings have done to it 1156 01:14:45,080 --> 01:14:48,629 而且還會繼續傷害它 and will, it seems, continue to do to it. 1157 01:14:50,600 --> 01:14:54,070 超能力不會消失 快逼瘋我了 Absolute power doesn't corrupt. it just drives you bloody mad. 1158 01:15:05,160 --> 01:15:08,311 -告訴凱瑟琳我愛他 -別這樣 主人 我愛你 -Tell Catherine i love her. -Don't do it, master. i love you! 1159 01:15:09,680 --> 01:15:11,671 我給你做好了大量餅乾的安排 i've made arrangements for your biscuits. 1160 01:15:12,160 --> 01:15:13,752 你再也不用擔心吃不到餅乾的問題了 You'll never have to worry about them again. 1161 01:15:13,840 --> 01:15:15,512 你是最仁慈的主人 You're the kindest master. 1162 01:15:15,600 --> 01:15:17,716 閉嘴 我沒法集中注意力了 Just shush, OK? i can't concentrate. 1163 01:15:18,920 --> 01:15:22,913 -主人 你不愛我嗎 -丹尼斯 我無法擔當 -Master, don't you love me? -i can't stand it, Dennis. 1164 01:15:23,640 --> 01:15:25,676 我無法擔當如此重任 i just... i can't stand the responsibility. 1165 01:15:25,760 --> 01:15:28,558 你的傻狗腦一定要明白 You need to get that into your stupid dog brain. 1166 01:15:28,720 --> 01:15:30,915 尼爾 Neil! 1167 01:15:34,440 --> 01:15:36,317 我來救你了 主人 i'll save you, master. Here i come! 1168 01:15:40,200 --> 01:15:44,318 我不會游泳啊 快救我 主人 Oh, wait a second. i can't swim. Master, help! Woof! 1169 01:15:44,400 --> 01:15:48,871 救命啊 Help! Help! Oh, dear. Woof! Woof! 1170 01:15:51,240 --> 01:15:53,879 謝謝你 主人 Oh, there you are. Thank you, master. 1171 01:15:54,200 --> 01:15:55,997 真感謝你 Bless you! 1172 01:15:56,760 --> 01:15:58,910 你確實愛我 主人 You do love me, master. 1173 01:15:59,080 --> 01:16:02,595 我當然愛你丹尼斯 我只是不愛我自己 Of course i love you, Dennis. i just don't love myself. 1174 01:16:06,760 --> 01:16:10,150 時間到 準備啟動毀滅發生器 Time's up! Prime the Destruction Generator. 1175 01:16:10,280 --> 01:16:11,474 -等等 -怎麼了 -Hang on. -What? 1176 01:16:11,560 --> 01:16:13,676 我們要檢查一下他是否通過了測試 We need to check if he's passed the test. 1177 01:16:13,760 --> 01:16:17,912 -他發起了那些戰爭 -說得好 -Well, he did start all those wars. -That was good. 1178 01:16:18,000 --> 01:16:21,549 -但他又阻止了他們 -為什麼 -But then he stopped them all. -But why? 1179 01:16:21,800 --> 01:16:25,918 他說他希望讓每個人都開心快樂 He said he was trying to make things better for people. 1180 01:16:27,120 --> 01:16:29,714 真可怕 That's very appalling. 1181 01:16:30,040 --> 01:16:34,431 唯一的善事就是毀滅 唯一的邪惡就是懦弱 The only good is to destroy. The only evil is weakness. 1182 01:16:34,520 --> 01:16:37,478 必須消滅懦弱 Weakness must be annihilated! 1183 01:16:38,200 --> 01:16:42,273 同意 讓這個地球人和他可憐的星球蒸發吧 Agreed. Vaporise the earthling and his wretched planet. 1184 01:16:43,320 --> 01:16:44,719 早就告訴你了 I told you so. 1185 01:16:44,800 --> 01:16:47,758 重新準備啟動毀滅發生器 Reprime the Destruction Generator. 1186 01:17:18,000 --> 01:17:19,956 尼爾 再打一遍 Try her again, Neil. Go on. 1187 01:17:20,040 --> 01:17:24,511 -她不想理我 -那就放棄你的超能力 -She... She won't have me. -Then, give up the powers. 1188 01:17:24,600 --> 01:17:27,398 -做不到 -那就把超能力給我 -i can't. -Then, give them to me. 1189 01:17:27,480 --> 01:17:30,756 你雖然放棄了超能力 但是你知道超能力在哪 You wouldn't have the powers but you'd know where they were. 1190 01:17:31,320 --> 01:17:33,834 而且作為一條狗 我唯一想做的就是服從命令 And being a dog, all i want to do is follow orders. 1191 01:17:33,960 --> 01:17:35,712 我會聽從你的命令 i'll do what you tell me to. 1192 01:17:36,760 --> 01:17:39,513 -丹尼斯 你真是個天才 -想法不錯吧 -Dennis, you're a genius. -Not bad, huh? 1193 01:17:42,200 --> 01:17:47,035 暗黑死神 毀滅發生器充能完畢 Destruction Generator already charged, Death-Dealing Darkness-Bringer. 1194 01:17:47,680 --> 01:17:49,875 毀滅地球3秒計時 Destroy the planet Earth on the count of three,please. 1195 01:17:49,960 --> 01:17:51,678 啟動毀滅計時 Commencing destruction. 1196 01:17:55,000 --> 01:17:56,400 1 one 1197 01:17:57,200 --> 01:18:00,397 我們語言的數字發音真是太長了 it is a curse that our numerals take so long to pronounce. 1198 01:18:01,040 --> 01:18:03,838 就像這樣揮揮手就行 Uh, yeah, it's like, uh, you just wave your hand, like that. 1199 01:18:03,920 --> 01:18:06,388 我感覺到了 i feel it. Wow! 1200 01:18:06,560 --> 01:18:10,348 那你想幹嘛 要吃餅幹嗎 Yeah. There you go. So what's it going to be? Biscuits? 1201 01:18:11,320 --> 01:18:12,799 超能力讓你很痛苦 But the power made You miserable. 1202 01:18:12,880 --> 01:18:16,429 但是我沒超能力了 讓樹變成埃菲爾鐵塔 Yeah, but i don't have them any more, do i? Look, tree become Eiffel Tower. 1203 01:18:18,000 --> 01:18:19,194 看到了吧 See? 1204 01:18:21,840 --> 01:18:24,115 丹尼斯 你在想什麼 What are you thinking, Dennis? 1205 01:18:26,000 --> 01:18:31,000 2 two 1206 01:18:33,360 --> 01:18:34,554 主人 原諒我 Forgive me, master. 1207 01:18:34,640 --> 01:18:36,232 等等 你要幹嘛 What? Wait, wait. What are you going to do? 1208 01:18:37,840 --> 01:18:40,434 -3 -就這句說的短 -three -That's the only short one. 1209 01:18:42,400 --> 01:18:47,633 如果我有超能力 就讓提供超能力的人都永遠消失吧 if i have any power, let the source of that power be destroyed, forever! 1210 01:18:48,880 --> 01:18:50,791 那條狗說了什麼 what did the dog say? 1211 01:19:06,600 --> 01:19:08,158 那條狗真邪惡 that dog's evil 1212 01:19:48,280 --> 01:19:51,078 讓著一切變的整齊有序 All this marking be suddenly finished and neatly stacked up. 1213 01:19:54,120 --> 01:19:56,031 讓菲奧娜 布萊克威爾走開 Fiona Blackwell, go away. 1214 01:20:02,480 --> 01:20:04,630 別說話 Oh, shh, shh. Shush, shush, shush. 1215 01:20:05,840 --> 01:20:07,990 菲奧娜 真高興見到你 Fiona! How lovely to see you. 1216 01:20:09,920 --> 01:20:12,593 好消息 我恢復視力了 Hey, great news. i got my sight back. 1217 01:20:14,160 --> 01:20:16,469 我覺得我聽到凱瑟琳了 Hey, i think i hear Catherine. 1218 01:20:21,480 --> 01:20:22,708 -凱瑟琳 -嗨 -Catherine. -Hi. 1219 01:20:22,800 --> 01:20:26,793 把這些信件變成黃瓜 Hey. Um, look. Letters become cucumbers. 1220 01:20:27,920 --> 01:20:29,956 讓我們站在泰坦尼克號的船頭 Us be on the prow of the Titanic. 1221 01:20:30,840 --> 01:20:32,114 我沒有超能力了 i got rid of the powers. 1222 01:20:33,560 --> 01:20:35,232 印象深刻 i'm impressed. 1223 01:20:36,560 --> 01:20:40,553 你有空能和我吃頓晚飯嗎 Yeah. So i thought maybe we could have some dinner sometime? 1224 01:20:42,440 --> 01:20:45,796 -也許吧 -好的 -Yeah, maybe, yeah. -OK. 1225 01:20:59,080 --> 01:21:02,516 -今晚怎麼樣 -我半小時後就下來 -How about tonight? -i'll be down in half an hour. 1226 01:21:09,840 --> 01:21:12,752 我們要去吃完飯了 我會給你倆帶飯回來的 We're going out to dinner. i'll bring you both back a doggy bag. 1227 01:21:13,200 --> 01:21:16,431 -我覺得我最好別再說話 -丹 把我變回來 -i suppose i'd better keep my mouth shut. -Turn me back, Den. 1228 01:21:16,520 --> 01:21:19,637 我就喜歡你這小短腿的樣子 i can't. i like you as you are. Those stubby legs. Look at you. 1229 01:21:19,720 --> 01:21:23,554 -我不是狗 我是人 -嗨 沒人是完美無缺的 -i'm not a dog, i'm a man. -Hey, nobody's perfect. 1230 01:22:15,960 --> 01:22:18,269 老大 這就是吃餅乾的聲音 你聽聽看 This is chewing a biscuit, boss. i'll try and give you that right now, 1231 01:22:18,360 --> 01:22:19,554 等等 hold one second. 1232 01:22:21,400 --> 01:22:23,356 太好了 果醬餅乾 Oh, red biscuit. Great. 1233 01:22:23,440 --> 01:22:25,829 不 No! No! 1234 01:22:29,440 --> 01:22:30,668 好了 Oh, got it. 1235 01:22:30,760 --> 01:22:32,637 發出舔人的聲音 Licking. Licking somebody. 1236 01:22:34,320 --> 01:22:36,117 這不是黃片 現在是蹭大腿的聲音 This is like porn. Now a shagging noise. 1237 01:22:39,720 --> 01:22:41,438 都有反應了 Oh, look. There's the red bit. 1238 01:22:43,160 --> 01:22:45,037 就是這樣 Oh, there, oh, right, oh... 1239 01:22:46,480 --> 01:22:47,515 完事了 i'm done. 1240 01:22:47,800 --> 01:22:49,631 太棒了 OK, great. 1241 01:22:49,760 --> 01:22:51,990 這段吃餅乾的聲音能用半小時 That's enough chewing biscuits for fucking half an hour.